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Largest Genealogy Conference in Utah – Feb 11-12, 2006

Largest Genealogy Conference in Utah – Feb 11-12, 2006

ST GEORGE, UTAH—It’s not just the warm weather in St. George that’s pulling in thousands of genealogists from across the state and the nation. February 10-11 brings the second annual Genealogy & Family Heritage Jamboree to southern Utah.  DNA workshops, the latest technology and internet research in family history, land records, maps, naturalization, migration trails, Legacy Family Tree, and many more topics will be covered. Folks have begun registering for this event from as far as New York and California.  The Jamboree remains a big hit with family historians from Las Vegas to Salt Lake City as well. Sponsored by MyAncestorsFound (a research firm in Morgan) and the Washington PAF Users Group the Jamboree offers the largest annual genealogy conference in the Western states with all the perks.

“What makes this conference so great,” says Janie Anderson, a veteran volunteer, “is that there is something valuable for everyone at a fraction of the cost of a national conference.  This year we have more than 120 classes, so we can reach beginners through very advanced researchers.  To me that’s very exciting.”  Anderson adds that many of the most knowledgeable
and sought-after family history professionals will be teaching the classes, and more than 60 respected genealogy exhibitors, including Legacy Family Tree will be filling the vendor hall with the latest products, services and door prizes.

The first Jamboree held in February of 2005 was a tremendous success. “There were more than 650 pre-registered attendees and several hundred walk-ins,” says Holly Hansen, president of “While most came from Southern Utah, Southern Nevada, and California, there were a surprising number of attendees from across the nation, including Salt Lake. This upcoming Jamboree is bound to be even more popular, since the word is spreading fast—and not just by us.  Local family history enthusiasts are encouraging each other to go.  We take that as a tremendous compliment.”

As of January 1, the price is only $45, when purchased online or paid in advance.  Tickets are also being sold at the door at $50 for the two-day admission or $28 for those who can attend one day only. Tickets are available by clicking here.

Starring DearMYRTLE, Dick Eastman, Glastonbury Duo, and Legacy’s Geoff Rasmussen

DearMYRTLE, a popular online genealogy columnist and internet radio persona is making the Jamboree keynote address.  The keynote is free and open to the public. Friday night’s special event, JamboreeFest: “Dinner with Dick Eastman” is also being held at the Dixie Center. Dick Eastman is an internationally recognized genealogist and producer of Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter ( The JamboreeFest will also include entertainment by the Glastonbury Duo, comprised of Dave and Carol Sharp, who perform beautiful Celtic tunes and stories. There is a charge for the dinner and reservations for this event are limited.  Pre-registration is strongly encouraged.

For more information:

The conference will be held at the state-of-the-art Dixie Convention Center, 1835 Convention Center Drive, St. George, Utah. This large and attractive facility offers ample free parking. The exhibit hall is free and open to the public.  For more information, call 801-829-3295. Or email: <>. Registrations may be mailed to My Ancestors, PO Box 187, Morgan, UT 84050.


Bridget Cook, Public Relations Chair
Genealogy & Family Heritage Jamboree 2006
(801) 644-0122 (cell)

Rosemary Harris, Public Relations Assistant
Genealogy & Family Heritage Jamboree 2006

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