For a limited time only, Relative Genetics is offering a Y DNA 26–Family Line Verifier™ test to active Boy Scouts of America members free of charge with participation in the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation (SMGF), or at a discounted price for those who do not wish to participate.
For more information, click here.
Record DNA in Legacy
New in Legacy 6, Legacy lets you record the results of various DNA marker tests available to anyone. Comparing the test results of different individuals can often indicate a common ancestor within a predicted number of generations.
To record the results, or just to see what it looks like, in a person’s Individual’s Information screen, click on the DNA button. There are several different DNA tests from which to choose. You can also click on the More Information button to learn more about how DNA testing can actually help your brick-wall research.
Please check with one of the companies that specialize in DNA testing. Here’s a contact form for one of them: