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Sneak Peek of Legacy 7

Sneak Peek of Legacy 7

Legacy version 7 is getting closer to its release. We’re still putting on the finishing touches, and we’d like your feedback.

On Tuesday, July 31 from 5:15-6:15, we are teaching a class entitled "Sneak Peek of Legacy 7" at the 31st Annual Brigham Young University Family History and Genealogy Conference in Provo, Utah. The class is held in room 2254. Seating is limited and the class is open to the public.

On Thursday, August 2 from 5:15-6:15 we are teaching "An Overview of Legacy Family Tree" in room 2254.

If you live in the Utah Valley area and want to meet the developers of Legacy, please stop by booth #1 in the Harmon Building on BYU’s campus. The vendor area is open to the public, conference registration is not required. If you’ve been waiting for this conference to purchase our new Magnabrite magnifiers, we’ll have them there too (no shipping costs!).

More than 100 classes
More than 100 classes will be offered throughout the conference, allowing participants to gain new skills and helpful information.  Class topics include Beginning Family History, Family History Center Support, Computers and New Programs, Europe/Nordic Research, British Research, U.S. Research, Methodology, and Publishing Family Histories.  We invite you to attend the conference to learn new techniques and to build and strengthen your family ties through genealogy and family history.

For more information, please visit the conference web site at

Comments (129)

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  • GD
    George Davidson

    I am a 10 year FTM user until about 1 year ago I switched to RootsMagic (a good program).
    I just switched again to Legacy 6 Delux and love it. The county verifier is wonderful as it has helped me update/correct thousands of addresses in my file. I also love the source clipboard, what a timesaver!
    I look forward to the new Legacy 7. Keep up the good work.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Jack, all screens can currently be resized. Just bring your mouse to the very corner of the screen, click, and drag.

  • JP
    Jack Pio

    I am using a 30 inch flat screen monitor. Most of the various views are o.k. however some like AKA entry screen is so small as to be difficult to read as are a few others. I am hoping new version will be able to cope with these larger screens with some kind of method which permits modification ability for all screen sizes.

  • EM
    Ernest Moore

    I have just received my copy of the new Family Tree Maker 2008 and I have just one comment – Legacy is bound to get a bunch of new users, that is for sure. They have completely reworked the format and have taken out the ability to compile a “verbatim text” family history “book.” They have replaced it with a Beta version that is utilized thru I now look forward more eagerly to Legacy v7.

  • JH
    Jeannine Hall

    I would like to have the option to connect to the internet in version 7 and not have the whole system driven by explorer. When I have had problems with the internet, then I can not even open my database.

  • P

    Legacy programmers take note!!!!
    I agree with you Stephen – the ability to search for any word contained in any master source field or any source detail field is essential. I have had many times where I needed to find a particular source or source citation and could not find it due to lack of search capability in Legacy.

  • SM
    Sharon MacInnes

    Geoff, a lot of us are still waiting for the ability to search sources for any word or phrase. Is that function included in version 7? Just about anyone would agree that being able to search the sources for more than the first word as it is now is an essential element, not a “frill.” Thanks…

  • S

    I second the user requesting a modifier for places (such as ‘possibly’, ‘near’ etc.), as well as a means to record cemetery information without having to create a second location, or storing the information as a separate ‘event’. I tried putting it in the address information for the burial place – but you can’t search on this address information! Very frustrating!
    We’d also like to see separate sourcing for event dates versus event places. Very often we have a source that only has one or the other, but not both. Addressing this via comments or citation detail doesn’t cut it.

  • LP
    Lois Petrolito

    I already own Legacy 6.0 Deluxe-bought about 2 months ago after using the Standard version for several years. Will I be able to upgrade to 7.0 seamlessly, or will I have to purchase again? Just wondering.

  • SA
    Susan Anderson

    Hopefully it is not too late to ask that v7 should include better charts particularly dropline as Generations used to. Also please could we have the ability in book reports to include more photos?

  • MN
    Michael Noone

    Wow, this is great news – can’t wait to see what you’ve got in store for us with version 7!
    All the best with the new release and looking forward to seeing you guys at the Ó Dochartaigh (Doherty) Clan Reunion next year!

  • SS
    Steve Stevens

    Please include in V7 the ability to attach all file types vice just .gif and jpg. I create research documents in Word and would like to be able to add them without having to convert.

  • T

    Whilst I look forward to Legacy 7, I have some reservations. When I did a presentation in London on Legacy during a day covering several family history programs, it compared well with the others.
    My points are:
    Exporting using GEDCOM needs to meet the standard to give the facility to be able use other programs without hard work with a text editor.
    Good input from non-US users is required, including I hope, beta testing by people around the world. There is now a UK program that is orientated to our needs – I don’t like its interface.
    The Geo database has inaccuracies which, so I have been told, are not going to be corrected. I appreciate that this task would be expensive in terms of labour but the limitations of the present program drive me up the wall. A minor improvement would the possibility of removing commas in the middle of text on reports, e.g. Oldham,,Lancashire, England.

  • DH
    Dallas Hinton

    The news of the upcoming v 7 is very exciting – I’m really looking forward to it! A major feature request for me is the issue of gender change. I’ve got a relative who changed gender to female (legally and physically) and then married a man. To further complicate matters, the country in which s/he lives doesn’t accept the gender change as legal and doesn’t recognize the (second) marriage as legal, even though the rest of the European Union does!! I’d really like to see a way to enter this mess! 🙂
    Thanks for a great product and all your hard work making things even better!
    I’m hoping we might make either the 2008 or the 2009 cruise so I can learn more!
    Cheers, Dallas

  • CB
    Christina Bishop

    One of my wishes is to be able to cite sources for each bit of info. For example, when I have information that relates only to the birth place, but not the birth date, currently the source citation is assumed for both. I would also like to see Census templates in the events instead of the generic entry we currently have. Each decade census would have entries for each column in the census.
    Otherwise, I am a long-time user of Legacy and love it. I have tested other programs and find Legacy to be the most user-friendly. Thank you for your wonderful product.

  • JW
    JIm Wormelle

    Are there any plans to incorporate links from Microsoft OneNote to Legacy. I jsut started using OneNote and the first thing I thought of when I was viewing the online tutorials at zMIcrosoft that this would be a great way to produce additional notes, pictures etc into Legacy. haven”t thought it through as to how it would work and was wondering if Legacy had.

  • BD
    bert doensen

    after using family gathering for about 8 years only on an old (win98)computer as it don’t work on a new computer .seems very simple to use so far .must keep working only another 400 names to go (manual input only)

  • BR
    Bob Rowe ~ MN

    I have seen a couple of you wishing you could export a report to Word – but you can! I have done this for a while now. You can save your file to an RTF and open it just fine in any decent word processor. I just did one the other day. I saved a descendant narrative to rtf and opened it in Word so that I could ask all my questions using red text. I entered each question immediately following the entry with limited data asking the recipient to supply that data.
    I am also surprised no one has commented on this feature so far.
    I would also like to be able to drop a PDF file into Legacy Notes, or other places.
    I also wish to praise the Legacy group for their wonderful support. Sherry has responded several times to my questions/suggestions.
    I can’t wait for ver 7 and would drop the upgrade dollars on you now even if I have to wait another two months or more. That is how confident I am in their dedication to improving the product. I “sell” Legacy everywhere I go.

  • PW
    Pat Walker

    I wonder if there are any reports (I see no comments posted after July 31–I posted one, but it was not listed) from the Conference Presentation on July 31 on the new Legacy?

  • BW
    Barrie Wise

    Although Legacy has many “bells & whistles”, the vast majority are probably accessed only occasionally by the majority of users, while other useful facilities are absent.
    The notes are limited to importing txt files, while doc files allow more flexibility, e.g. different fonts within the notes – perhaps you have a transcript of a letter in Lucinda handwriting that you want to highlight from the default notes font.
    In Family group records and Descendant narrative reports there is no option to include in the printouts or saved files, of the marriage photos. – A lot of photos aren’t appropiate for individuals – wedding photos, church photos, family photos, etc – which apply to the group, not the individual.
    Perhaps consideration should be given to include these options to be available in the new version of Legacy.

  • AM
    Al Markel

    I, too, have used Brother’s Keeper, FTM and investigated other genealogy progams befoe choosing Legacy. And, I am very happy with what I have learned of Legacy v6 so far.
    However, I , like everyone else, have a wish list of changes/additions to the program. A big help to me would be the option to export (or print) reports directly to a word processor program such as MS Word in order to add my own graphics, group pictures, images of places and/or things without losing all of Legacy’s formatting.
    Second, allowing printing of multiple family group sheets in descendant order would make life easier.
    Third, while I am on the soapbox, is the option to print a list by month of birthdays/anniversarys. Calendars are a dime a dozen,so all I need is a simple list on 2 or 3 pages.

  • BC
    Brenda Costello

    Since the sneak peek has already gone by, how about giving us a little hint of what is in the works for version 7 on this website.

  • MF
    Marcos F. Sou\

    For many times I suggested (and asked) an option to hide prefix/sufix in names (Format of Names with Titles). If it is possible to put a comma after/before titles, why not also hide titles?
    In some occasions/circunstances it is desirable to omit tiles.
    I hope that, after years, finally new Legacy 7 allows this option.

  • LH
    Lee Herman

    I have 2 suggestions.
    First, it would be nice to have a source button beside each field. It’s alot of extra clicks (over time) to have to go to the general source window each time and then say “Cite a master source”. You should be able to jump there directly.
    Also, Legacy has no way to enter gay relationships, marriages, etc… Nowadays this is unacceptable.

  • D

    While I’m definately looking forward to Legacy 7, I agreee with many of the comments posted here about things to make it even better.
    Things like being able to see the source details in the source list, along with who uses them (and not just the source itself). I often use the same source for many individuals, chanaging only some of the details, and not being able to see the details from the list means I have to open each person one by one and check the sources.
    I’d especially like to be able to keep a Legacy window open for editing while viewing another. When I’m reviewing a report before printing, if I find something I need to change, I have to close the report window, open the area I need to change, make the changes, close out of that, and re-open the report window to see how it turned out. On something like a book style report this is very frustrating and time consuming.
    Some other things I’d love to see (I second/third/fourth, etc., the idea) is being able to put images in the notes tab, being able to quickly link multiple people to one event, being able to search/replace throughout all of Legacy, a wider variety of source templates, and run Legacy from a flash drive.
    One thing I think would be nice would be to change the open, copy & paste button images on the source clipboard. I frequently hit the wrong button when trying to move a source up or down, and open the clipboard intead. The same with the paste. I tend to want to click copy instead.
    Thanks for an overall great product! I love it and will continue to recommend it.

  • AB
    Andrew Boyd

    As a long-time user who has tried practically everything else – Thanks and keep up the good work.
    Wish List: I would love to see some way to handle locations that would allow a modifier before the place without creating duplicate enteries. Example: of, probably, possibly, near Perry, Ralls, MO. This would decrease the number of locations (which are basically duplicates) and make for cleaner searches. It would also be nice to be able to add things like cemeteries or hospitals to locations without duplicating enteries.

  • K

    Would it be possible to add additional info to a descendant report other than birth/death/marriage/parents names? I had a program several years ago that worked with PAF where you could add burial, etc. & other events and it was very helpful and a lot less paper than producing lots of FGS to take with you. You could have lots of info on the family in small amt of space.

  • LB
    Louis Blanc

    C’mon guys… why be so secretive about whats in v7. Give us the list so that we can comment and then decide whether we want to upgrade or not!!
    If it doesnt have more languages included especially the Slavonic languages then I wont bother.

  • JH
    James Hollas

    Will the new version have the capability to index by both the married and maiden names of women when generating a book report? This sure would be helpful since the index is most important.

  • M

    I would like included in Legacy, the standard British way of showing dropline family trees. Non-family historians are used to these from school history lessons but cannot fathom out the American way so often in family history programs.
    Also, a chart showing direct male line only would be useful, please.
    These would greatly aid book production presentations for the family without the need for long explanations.

  • E

    What is the cutoff date for the discount pricing on Legacy 7 for those that recently purchased v. 6? I have only been using Legacy 6 Deluxe for less than a year, actually for about 8 months. I assume I’ll be out of luck and will need to update at full price.

  • SL
    Sharon Lopez

    I have been using Legacy for quite some time and I like it very much. I would like to be able to print a family photo on the top of the family group sheet. I would like to be able to manipulate the photos in the scrap books to any order. I would like to see within the help program or on a separate icon a help guide for entering sources. I would like you to explain in you newsletters or somewhere the logic behind how the sources are entered. You enter many of them by state, then date, then item. Why How does this benefit the user. This is not addressed on the source DVD. The DNA data entries are a must have for those of us who are getting DNA testing done. It will be helpful to have spaces for the entire set of numbers and a place for the lab or provider of the test. Even a surname group source will be helpful on our database.
    I am doing much work with pictures. The scrapbook is the only place I can view the pictures I put with the events. There is no way to then create a chronological story of each person including the event, photos of the event, life photos of the person etc. Publishing a book could be made easier. Thank you for all your hard work. I also would like to see what new features version 7 will have. Even a list would be nice. Thank Sharon

  • LW
    Larry Wilson

    I have read through all the previous comments and feel that they have missed a big one, namely that Legacy should be avaialable for the Apple Mac. I’m not sure I am ready to purchase a Mac but I am very impressed with them and one thing holding me back is a decent genealogy program. I think that the developers of Legacy would be filling a big hole in regard to software availablity for that platform and would definately have a leg up on the competition. (My 84-year-old father has a Mac and I am unable to provide him with advice regarding a decent genealogy program for his machine).
    Another suggestion that I have submitted previously that I hope will be in version 7 is the ability to count the number of direct blood-line decendants of an individual in my database as well as the number of direct blood-line ancestors. The reason I am curious about this is that it will give me an idea of how much of my DNA will be walking around this earth 100 or 200 years from now. Scary thought.
    As to upgrade frequencies and cost, I am so impressed with the value that Legacy delivers with, not only each upgrade, but also the interim updates, that I do not have any complaints whatsoever. Keep up the good work.
    Lastly, I have a small glitch in the repair database feature of 6.0. There is apparently a lost link between a record and a to-do item. The repair feature does not fix it and I have discussed it with technical support. The woman there said she had a similar experience and that the only way to fix it would be to export the entire database. I hope this can be repaired in the conversion process to 7.0.

  • PW
    Pat Walker

    Any feedback from those who attended the Sneak Peek yesterday?

  • M

    Whatever the changes, additions, corrections, etc., please add my name to the list for the new version. I have used Legacy for several years and it just keeps getting better and better.
    Keep up the great work!

  • EM
    Ernest Moore

    Will Legacy v7 have the ability to compile a family history “book” in narrative form, with the ability to imbed family pictures and copies of marriage licenses, baptismal certificates and other like documents therein, and control fonts and paragraphing, rather than the “canned” history in v6?

  • RJ
    Rod Janes

    I have used Legacy for some years but also use FTM 2005. Legacy is by far my first choice but FTM still has at least one feature that Legacy lacks. FTM has the ability to convert female maiden names to married names in the index list. This feature is great if you find a headstone or burial record for a married woman and you have no idea who that person is. By quickly checking the FTM index list with the married name option enabled, it will provide the person’s maiden name. This person would be very difficult to locate in Legacy. I hope this feature is included in Legacy 7.

  • NN
    Neil Newman

    Good to hear Legacy 7 is close. Running classes in the US is OK for nearby residents however does not offer the users outside the US any opportunity to add value / test.
    Why not allow registered V6 Deluxe version users access to the Beta software to assist in the evaluation process.
    Regards Neil

  • EM
    Ernest Moore

    Geoff – One more note – I tried finding the TIPS you mentioned in your SOURCES CD re TEMPLATES FOR SOURCES but I did not find it in the Tips and Tricks in the Help section of v6. Where are the templates now? Thanks.

  • EM
    Ernest Moore

    Laura, I tried using the training videos for over a month and, altho they are well written and easily understood, I had several hangups with my sources. I forget the particular hangups as it has been some time since I worked with them. I might try, once again, after v7 comes out. I have a great number of sources in my FTM and I think it was mostly in the transfer of sources from FTM to Legacy v6.
    For Greg: Glad to hear that Legacy is still free of the influence.

  • D

    Will version 7 include an improvement to the picture center so that I can view everything attached to a person? Specifically I want it to include images attached to sources that are assigned to a person.
    Also, will the picture gallery screen have icons for attaching word or pdf documents?

  • VR
    Valerie Ross

    I bought Legacy in December. As has been previously asked by Jan Holland
    will there be a charge to upgrade, and if so how much?

  • AE
    Arnold E abrms

    I use Legacy by accident. I bought ver.4 because I thought it also included “top down box trees” depicted on the box.
    But it did not exactly do that. Therefore your name should be Legacy Genealogy (not Trees). However I learned to love the program for the books and reports available. As for trees, well charting companion is not that great. So I use FTM for trees and just work with both programs. I have no need to go to any new Legacy version unless it incudes Top Down Tree etc.
    Thank you very much.

  • JT
    James T. Burrows

    I can’t wait for 7 to come out. I was one of the beta testers for legacy when it first came out back in 1996-97. I just wish that some of the sugestions that I had back then they would have put into legacy like more Canadian content, such as the location functions. The GEO location & county verifier are still mainly for US places, besides that I am proud to have been there at the beginning of this program & won’t use any other for my genealogy research.

  • HF
    Harold Fraser

    Will the new legacy include the ability to use Chinese characters? Working with family names from China, Korea & Japan is very ineffective and innacuate without this ability.

  • LM
    Lisa Marley

    I too would like to see the ability to link multiple individuals to an event. Then we would not have to copy an event to each person who participated.

  • D

    I tried posting this earlier, but it never showed up.
    Would it be possible to video record the presentation and upload it to “Roots Television” ( They have a section specifically for Conferences. Then we could all enjoy the preview.

  • LJ
    Laura Jones

    I would like to suggest to Ernest that he try using the Legacy Training Videos. They are very well-done and have been an immense help to me in learning all of the fantastic features of Legacy. The fact that Legacy has so many features is why it isn’t as easy to learn as some of the more simple software programs. But if you invest some time in using the training videos, you will be rewarded with an outstanding genealogy software program. I love it!

  • PH
    Paul Hawes

    Since you are already are teaching a class entitled “Sneak Peek of Legacy 7”, is there any opportunity to accomodate changes?
    I would like to be able to enclude multiple pictures in a report or website.
    I wish you would go back to the feature where clicking on viewing a picture would open the picture galery rather than just “quicklook” of just the picture.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Ernest, nope, we’re still Legacy. They simply resell Legacy too.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Laura, That it my understanding.

  • E

    For some reason or other I cannot seem to get the use of Lagacy as easily as I have Family Tree Maker. This is especially true of the source citations. Since Legacy appears on the STORE portion of FTM it looks like FTM has bought out another competitor.

  • LJ
    Laura Jones

    I am interested in attending the Sneak Peak of Legacy 7 on Tuesday night at BYU. You mentioned that the class is open to the pubic. Does that mean it’s possible to attend that one class without paying the $175 fee for the entire conference?

  • LB
    Linda Burns

    I also love the Legacy programs and have been using them for years. I would like to see in the FILE drop down box that DELETE moved away from BACKUP FAMILY FILE. I hit the delete one day by mistake and wiped out my file, I was so glad that the day before I had run a back disc so I only had to replace what I had been working on that day. I wrote a request to tech support about this but I guess it was not important to anyone but me. Please think about it with the new version 7.

  • AL
    A Legacy User

    Ditto Stephen on the ability to search “all” the nooks and crannies of Legacy. I’ve suggested this for several versions now and it has yet to happen! Otherwise I like the ease of using Legacy.

  • IA
    Irene A. Petrick

    I too, look forward to the Legacy, version 7. My sister & I use Legacy and love it. I just want to re-interate that I hope this version will be compatible with Pocket Genealogist since I use my palm in the courthouses.

  • S

    It’s probably too late for inclusion in version 7, but I desperately need a way to be able to search on the address fields linked to a birth, marriage, death, burial and other events. I find it frankly ridiculous that we can search on the address for an individual, but not for any of their linked events!
    And, I second Hugh on the ability to record same-sex marriages/civil unions/domestic partnerships – especially when those items are now matters of public record. But I suppose it’s useless to even ask, since I was once told by someone at Legacy that the product would likely never lend its support to such “gender confusion”. Just what we don’t need – judgmental politicizing of our documenting of family histories, instead of giving us the tools to record ALL the facts, be they good, bad, indifferent or even considered scandalous by some.
    Pretty easy to tell the difference between a family historian and a “pure genealogist” these days.
    It would also be nice to have a way to link secondary participants to an event and assign them a role; for example: linking the witnesses to a marriage, who are often related to the primary participants.
    The thing that keeps me using Legacy is the interface & speed. I much prefer the depth of flexibility available in The Master Genealogist, but their interface is clunky. Way too much clicking and too slow. I love Legacy’s keyboard shortcuts, since I hate using the mouse – don’t ever take them away!

  • BC
    Brenda Costello

    I switched to Legacy a while back from FTM and I am so glad I did. I love it. There are two things though, that I miss. 1) In namelist view, I would like to see the spouses name at the bottom of the screen in the little help window. 2) I would like to have a descendent chart that more resembles an organization chart, with pictures. I can do one now with pictures, but it is more like a report format.
    Also, I agree with an earlier comment on offering a variety of source templates.
    Will you be putting a video on the website for those of us who cannot attend the presentation?

  • DP
    Dale Premo

    Dittos to the many favorable comments to this superb program. Is there any chance you’ll give us a few screen shots on your webpage?
    Like Emil,I have long been interested in the ability to paste pictures or other graphics (like scans of deeds or whatever) in the notes.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Bill, the order confirmation should have stated that you will receive version 7 free. Also look in the left panel of the store at It also mentions that orders of version 6 will receive version 7 free. This began in June I believe.

  • V

    Joseph, go to your Index tab and click on the Options button at the upper right portion of the screen and select “Customize Columns”. You already have the feature of setting any of the columns to display a wide number of possibilities. At least, I do in my Version 6.
    Hope this helps.

  • BM
    Bill McDowell

    I just bought Legacy on the 22nd of this month, will I be charged to upgrade to version 7?

  • C

    I just purchased Legacy owing to how much better narrative reports are compared to RN, but am very disappointed with the lack of “templates” for formatting sources (bible, census, data from, internet, LDS, etc.) Navigation is proving a pain and the programme isn’t particuarly intitutive. I would love to see what v7 is going to offer and hope it will address these issues. I just hate having to use RM, FTM and Legacy just to get the output I want.

  • KR
    Kay R. Barlow

    What I would like is,on a family group sheets to have an opportunity for a more condensed version. Condenced of Expanded version, and what I want to include in printout. If I am giving information to someone I don’t want a book to give to them. I am fairly new to Legacy 6 I like it generally. What is a URL:? Thanks

  • EH
    Emil Hanson

    I have requested this before but have not had feed back – I would like to see images accepted in the ‘Notes’. I often find historical info on my ancestors and some of those findings have images of people , places, and things of historical value. If they could all be kept together as they are found would be wonderful for the writing of histories.

  • WP
    Weldon Pierson

    I am hoping that Legacy 7 will allow transfering pictures from FTM to the new program directly. I have scads of pictures that need transfered. I would change to Legacy if this process is allowed in a simple way.
    I like very much all the other aspects of Legacy 6.

  • JL
    Joseph Leavitt

    I love Legacy more than I can say. Since a new version is being finalized, I’m probably a little late with this, but a modification of the “Name List” would be greatly appreciated. The column called “Sex” is not needed, since genders are color coded. Instead, could this column be used for another Tag number? Please? This use of that column would be especially helpful when the “Temple” tab is being used.
    I also wonder if it is feasible to display all the tags for the couple on the Family View so that you don’t have to edit a record, in order to see all the tags that are selected for that person.
    Good luck with Version 7. I’m looking forward to seeing it.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Jerry, it’s usually from about 8-6 each day of the conference.

  • J

    What are the dates and times of the “free” vendor area? I looked on BYU’s site and there is no mention of this.

  • BD
    Bill Davison

    I have read all of the comments made regarding the release of Legacy 7. As always we want what we cannot have and at record speed ! I have in the past eagerly awaited new versions of Legacy and thay have never ever failed to impress or please. There is always something wanted that a program does not supply and I am sure Legacy 7 will be no exception. However, you give consumers the oppurtunity to suggest new features and I am confident that in taime they are included where possible. I have also been impressed with the customer support and answers to quwestions/ problems. Keep up the good work and whatever the cost involved I am sure it ill be reasonable and well worth upgrading to the new version. Many thanks.

  • GD
    Gerald Dawson

    The cost of upgrading from V6 to V7 concerns me. As well as the complications, namely the additions or benefits added to program. The length of learning time can be frustrating.
    I have worked in FTM, PAF, Brother’s Keeper and Legacy. The software programs that allow reports(such as modified register) to be generated and transferred to a Word Processor of my choice are by far the most useful. At that point the final editing is done. A sample file of 20,000 names was transferred from FTM to Legacy by GEDCOM for specific editing.

  • T

    I second (or third) the idea of a podcast from the conference as a way to let all of us in on what to expect from Legacy 7. Legacy is an excellent program and I think the podcast would be helpful to current users and perhaps those who wish to compare FTM Beta with Legacy 7. Will Legacy 7 have a new book and/or new training videos?

  • DK
    David Kimball

    It would be nice if:
    1. Legacy could call an executable program after webpage generation which would replace the files that it overwrites or deletes.
    2. Legacy would overwrite rather than concatanate subsequent importations from PAF, thus preventing numerous duplicatations.

  • MD
    Mike Deaton

    I to would like to learn more about Version 7. Would it be possible to do a webcast? We might not be able to see any graphics or charts but we can hear what will be new, fixed and upgraded.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Frank, the final pricing has not yet been set, but it will likely be comparable to the existing upgrade pricing. Everything in the training CDs will still be very applicable. Updates are free. Upgrades have a discounted price.

  • FC
    Frank Cummings

    Many of these postings are answered by Geoff and other Legacy folks. Unanswered are any questions about pricing. How much will it cost to upgrade from 6.0 Deluxe? Will all those training cd’s be wasted dollars now? I ordered Legacy because users told me upgrades were received free.

  • MH
    Matt Henderson

    New Versions are always needed because computers are constantly being improved. As they are improved the old version does not work as well with the new computer operating systems.
    I used FTM only two years prior to switching to Legacy. Since I began they went from FTM Version 3 to the current Version 16.
    Legacy has only gone to a version 6.
    This shows me Legacy is much more adaptable to New operating systems.
    I Doubt New Versions will never end. Legacy does offer us easily affordable transitions to new versions. FTM may be affordable also but they change versions at twice the rate, hence twice the price.
    Legacy is a bargain as well as a great program. (and they did not pay me to say this!)

  • JC
    Janet Clarke

    I too would appreciate the added bonus of being able to run Legacy 7 from a flash drive so that I can be on any computer and use Legacy.

  • ZY
    Zeki YAGLI

    I am interested in the language capabilities in Turkish. I used Legacy 5 with a really special font set. My laptop was stolen then I bought ver 6 which did not work even with this special font set.
    I am told to wait ver 7.
    Waiting eagerly to see how it works.

  • AS
    Ann Sharp

    On the DNA comment, it would ultimately be interesting to be able to enter the DNA information once and then be able to reference it for, say, all the male-line relatives for Y-profiles, or all the female-line relatives for mtDNA profiles.

  • A

    What is the maximum number of individuals in legacy 7 per file?

  • PK
    Paulus Kruijer

    I like Legacy, except when I type out a report, it is to complicated. I also use the Dutch one called, “Aldfear”. It prints out a much better report and with the latest version also in English.

  • AR
    Allan Rudge

    Of all the Geneealogy programmes I have used over the years Legacy is my programme of choice, even if I do not use it to its full potential.
    I am currently running Legacy 5.0. At our last NZSG conference 2007 I considered upgrading to v.6.0. However I decided to defer this until the arrival of v.7.0.
    I have two questions.
    1. Will v.7.0 have the facility to be able to produce charts.
    2. Will I be able to upgrade from v.5.0 to v.7.0 without any hassles.

  • TJ
    Tim Janzen

    I hope that you are expanding the capability to integrate DNA results into an individual’s record in Legacy. It would be very helpful to be able to add mitochondrial DNA results and to be able to add a wide range of Y chromosome STR markers and SNPs.

  • CM
    charles matze

    will ver 7 allow us to print familly group sheets in descendiate order? I have been looking for this change since ver4

  • ST
    Sheila Thurston

    The only problem with the new additions that come out is that I have bought the “Deluxe” version and then when you do the free upgrade to Legacy 7, the deluxe part is gone and you have to buy the deluxe again…I can’t live without the deluxe version, so I pay for it over and over and will again I suppose because I love Legacy better than any other program.

  • LM
    Lorraine McKenzie

    I would like to see Legacy be able to use Microsoft Word as a choice for publishing a book. I need to be able to edit the book and layout to my design. Better chart options would improve a great program. We don’t want to have add on charts from other programs.

  • BP
    Barbara Pixley

    ‘Have recommended Legacy to so
    many people. It’s really user friendly. I have over 5,500 mames listed & still adding ‘stuff’.
    But I hope that Legacy 7 will
    have updated, “fancier” charts. I am tired of having to buy & hassle with Progeny: Genelines Charting Companion. etc. to get what I want. I have given up trying to update & make them ‘compatible” (the latest is “needing a PDF driver” to make them work (?!) I will never buy another- & their “support”is dreadful. It has nothing to do with Legacy. Charts etc should all be in ONE Legacy program!
    If Legacy 7 gives us more & better charts …it will have no peer in the genealogy software market.

  • BL
    Brian L Cartwright

    I would appreciate if you could post a list of what’s new in Version 7.

  • S

    I’ve been using Legacy for a while, bought vs. 5.0 and was pleased with it, and then bought vs. 6.0 Deluxe, which was very little improvements from vs.5.
    I created my website using Legacy, along with help from support groups, but when I update it, I’d like a setting that I could choose for an “Updating website”, and in so doing leave the original index.html intact, and only update the family files, and also show at the bottom “Updated/current date” without having to manually do this each time.
    I’d like to be able to enclude 2 pictures in a report or website, such a one of the individual and one of their tombstone.
    I’d also like the “Events” to have an option to change in the list style, for example: Date/Name of Event/Description/Place, and in so doing this would give a quick look at a “Timeline”.
    I’d like for the Legacy windows to stay open while I’m viewing another window, for example, when I’m viewing a census, I’d like to have the census window open and be able to type in Legacy at the same time.
    I’d also like more report/chart options without having to buy additional software or as I’ve done import a gedcom into FTM.

  • D

    One thing I have found to be a problem is the display of Chinese names. Typically the family name (surname) will be the first name written & spoken.
    For example, ‘Chow Yuen Fatt’ – Chow is the family name, and Yuen Fatt is the given name.
    It would be nice if there was some way to be able to get the names showing correctly for Chinese so I can get my wife’s side of the family tree looking acceptable.

  • PH
    Peter Hecht

    Thanks for the info on V.7. I sure hope it includes the ability to print a vertical family tree of ancestors or descendants. It would be fantastic to be able to print a descendant tree with both sides of a family of a particular descendant.
    Currently, I have to export the data via Gedcom to my old version of FTM just to do this. I tried Tree Draw but had to return it as I just could not get the hang of it. Please. Please. Please

  • DC
    D Christensen

    Will be looking forward to Version 7. I sure hope to see the one thing I have added to the wish list the last many years, “a way to quickly find a newly added picture.”

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Delores, there is a printed user’s guide available in the online store.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Moira, yes we will probably do this. Arthur, not yet….

  • DF
    Delores Futrell

    I have version 6, my problem is that I donot enjoy reading online so as a consequence I have not learned the full capabilities of 6. I am sure that there are others like me. Do you have plans in the future to address this situation and help us all out. Look forward to v7

  • MB
    Moira Bue

    …I’m still finding new features in my version 6 De Luxe version! Are there any plans to produce a DVD to highlight the changes? I have found my training DVDs to be a great value.

  • AC
    Arthur Cragun

    Can I run Legacy 7 from my flash drive so that I could be on any computer and use Legacy?

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Kelly L., yes, there will be a break.

  • MS
    Michael Satherley

    About a year ago, I asked about having a facility that also shows death anniversaries in the calendar and hope this is going to be added this time.
    This would be an extremely useful feature and I understand that many others have asked for this function as well – fingers are crossed !

  • JP
    JB Peterson

    Any foreign language support in V7? I am still using V5 because it is compatible with the Swedish foreign language support beta.
    Thanks, JB

  • KL
    Kelly L.

    I just bought Legacy 6 Deluxe in APRIL. Will they offer people some kind of break who just got Legacy? I was using Roots Magic and decided to switch to Legacy. Now I wish I had waited a little longer. I thought Legacy 6 was new.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Dr. Strauss, We’re not sure yet. But please stop by.

  • KP
    Kevin Phillips

    Yes, we will make sure that Pocket Genealogist works with Legacy Version 7. (Which may or may not require changes to Pocket Genealogist, we’ll have to wait for the final release of V7)

  • LP
    Luayne Pierce

    Looking forward to new 7 edition. Hope the internet connection is better in this one. I have trouble with that in 6. But do love this program much more than others.

  • RW
    Robin Wilhelm

    Hopefully, for future users, Legacy 7 will address some of the photo limitations in version 6. The ability to insert various size photographs, without having Legacy arbitrarily adjust the size, inserting photo pages into book formats, not having to have photos tied to a specific individual, ie, the ability to browse to find a photo and select them from your hard drive, etc. would be a benefit.
    I’ve found Legacy to be a good program for inputting information, not so flexible for producing a book from it, unless facts are all you want to see.

  • DD
    Davod Dearth

    I’m looking forward to previewing Version 7. Legacy is the closest I have found to Generations, which I love and have been using for some 10 years. Generations however is no longer produced or supported. I do lose a lot of information in the gedcom conversion however. It would sure be great if the new Legacy would open a UDS file created by generations without losing so much information and links in the gedcom conversion process. I understand that TMG will do that. Hope the new Legacy will also.

  • JL
    Jack Lamphier

    Yet, a newer version. Each version has so many new “features” that are rarely if ever used. I began with Legacy 3, after encountering version after version of FTM. When will it stop. Most of the so called features are not worth paying money for, particularly if not used.

  • MH
    Matt Henderson

    The only two changes I really would like to see are:
    1. The ability to see all who use a certain Citation Detail that is attached to a Source. Currently there is no way to do this. We can only see all who use a particular source. The citations are not so easily found.
    2. The ability to use Search and Replace options applied only to individuals in the current search list.

  • MH
    Matt Henderson

    A reply for Dan Babish:
    There already is a way to easily copy sources – Make one small change anywhere on the source to copy, such as put a 2 in front of the source name. When you click Save you are given two options, Apply the change to all references, or Apply to a new copy. Of course choose the latter. Then make the other changes you need on the “2” source.

  • BK
    Bethany Klus

    I’m excited to see the new Legacy 7 as well! I haven’t been impressed with FTM 2008 beta and have already decided to keep using Legacy. Hopefully there will be some updates to the charting features of Legacy – that would make it heads and shoulders above the competition!

  • DC
    Dr. Christopher Strauss

    Will you have Legacy 7 ready for previewing (or be demonstrating it) at the FGS conference in August? I know many people have foregone other conferences this year in order to attend FGS, since it is on location with the Allen County Public Library.

  • RM
    Ray Mann

    I am really looking forward to seeing what v7 has to offer. I researched many products including some very pricey ones and Legacy was the best of them. Easy to use, powerful features and easy to justify cost. It has been easy getting my 20+ years of research into Legacy 6 and printing great looking reports for the family.

  • P

    I have ben looking forward to the release of Legacy 7. Will it be compatible with Pocket Genealogist as Legacy 6 is?

  • NP
    Nancy Peralta

    What about doing a live teleconference so people can call in and hear the information?

  • JH
    Jim Hogan

    I have other genealogy programs but I have been using routinely and recommending Legacy, for the past several years, to everyone who would listen . Unfortunately I still haven’t learned how to use all of the features of version 6. yet, Now there is 7.0 !!!!! I echo the comments posted above.

  • GA


  • DB
    Dan Babish

    I’m hoping the new version of Legacy will include the ability to easily copy sources,that is, make a duplicate copy which can then be edited to create a unique source. This is helpful when entering repetitive source information such as census records for different families in the same ED.

  • HZ
    Hugh Zorger

    I have used Legacy now for several years and have found it to be one of the best on the market.
    I hope in this new version they have addressed the problem of same sex marriages as Legacy is one of the few that will not accept them.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Barbara, Sources can be printed in many other reports other than just family group records. However, like you said, they do not yet print on pedigree charts. This is on our list of things we want to do.

  • BS
    Barbara Swift

    I was very disappointed in Legacy when I found that I could not include sources in any format other than family pages. (ie. family trees, ancestry charts, etc.)
    With so many errors in genealogies printed on line, it would really help if documentation were given so that the facts could be checked.
    Barbara Swift

  • JH
    Jan Holland

    Will there be a charge to upgrade to Legacy 7?

  • TW
    Thomas Wilson

    I echo the sentiments of earlier posts, Geoff ! I love the power of Legacy 6, it’s clean interface, and all it’s great features. Have used Legacy Deluxe for years and am always anxious for the next new version. FTM 2008 beta looks great too – hope your developers have incorporated some of their new features while keeping all the great stuff Legacy already has. Like others, would love to see something on your site to give us a peek into the future. Hope you can make it happen. Thanks.

  • JV
    José Verheecke

    If Legacy 7 is as good as Legacy 6,then it’ll be GREAT.If it’s better ..heavens,what can we expect?
    Can’t wait…

  • S

    I just saw on the store the promotion: Purchase Legacy 6.0 today and we’ll send you the upgrade to Legacy 7 for FREE when it is released later this fall.
    That’s a great promotion, and gives people more confidence in buying the product. I wish there was a blog post about that so I knew about it earlier.

  • C

    I am unable to attend this conference for geographic reasons, but I would LOVE to see info on the Newest version. I am thrilled using Legacy 6. I have tried most others out there and this is the easiest program to use.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Teresa, not initially, but it’s a good idea. In our store, on the left panel, it mentions that Legacy 7 will be out sometime in the fall. That’s our hope anyways.

  • T

    For those of us who use Legacy and are not attending this conference, is there any way that the overview will also be placed on-line? I have not seen any information about Legacy 7 to-date. Do you have a date for release? I understand “keeping it under wraps” but as of the date of conference, it will be “out there.” Thanks.

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