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Split screen and dual monitors tips

Split screen and dual monitors tips

Question from a Legacy user,

Can I do a Split Screen View with the Internet as one of the screens?

Great question! Yes, you can do this with Legacy. It sure makes it nice to be able to see both your Legacy data and the Internet at the same time. Follow these step-by-step instructions.

  1. With Legacy 6/7 open, click on the View menu, then click on Split Screen View.
  2. Click No. Two copies of your family file are now visible, side-by-side.
  3. On one of the sides, click on the Legacy Home tab.
  4. In the Address field, type in the website you want to view and click Go. (Of course, you need to be connected to the Internet first.)

You can now browse the Internet on the right side. When you locate information, you can copy and paste it into your Legacy file on the left side.


Two Monitors

Even better, hook up two monitors to your computer. On the left monitor, have Legacy open. On the right monitor, have the Internet open. Or resize those windows to have your email software and your photo organizer software visible too! The two monitors behave as one large desktop so you can easily drag/drop/copy/paste information from one side to the other.


(Writing this article forced me to finally clean up and dust my desk….) For more information about setting up two monitors for your computer, read our article here.

Comments (11)

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  • B

    This split-screen is really a nice feature in Legacy. I love your program. Bette

  • E

    Since I read about split screen I went and dug out my flat screen monitor and hooked it up to my notebook, and voila. What a difference it has made to my life.I think this is the best tip I’ve seen in a long time. If you don’t have an extra monitor, get one, TODAY! You’ll love it!

  • G

    I use the split screen feature all the time but have to admit that I never dreamed of using the built-in browser as one of the screens. There does need to be a way to integrate my 500+ genealogy ‘favourites’ through the Legacy browser. Perhaps you can consider that for the next upgrade?
    Thank you for all your hard work with this program. I love it.

  • IM
    Ian Macaulay

    This super feature is even better when used as a split screen on one monitor and Inet on the other. Can’t Type efficiently??? Cut and paste which also reduces spelling errors.
    Love legacy, helps survive this genealogy addiction.

  • L

    You have just made my life so much easier! Thank you! The split screen function is amazing!

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Nellie – just click on the X in the upper right of the family file. Not the X at the far upper right which would close the entire program.

  • DC
    Don Cordell

    It is well worth buying the training CD’s for Legacy 7 to learn about the extensive new functions that this program can do for you. With all the money you probably have already spent on Genealogy, what’s a few bucks more. Of course you actually have to run and view the CD’s to learn, just putting them on the shelf above your computer does not make the program automatically do your genealogy.

  • GC
    G. C. Oliver

    There is a useful free utility called Winsplit that makes side by side screens very easy to control.
    I have used it for about 6 months and rely on it every day for Legacy and other side by side and multiple window projects.

  • N

    Once I have “split screeens” how can I get it back to a single screen?? I have to close my Legacy and start again…

  • D

    Just (Sept.9) read a Legacy article about using dual monitors(archive Jan 2008), two days later set up a second monitor and WOW. Got more work done in a day than I had done in the past month. Typing for me WAS hunt, peck, type a word, what was the next word?, toggle, hunt, peck, type a word, how do you spell that name?, toggle, will this entry ever get done?!?!… NOW, hunt, peck, type a paragraph, entry finished. Don’t know how I did genealogy (or anything else) without it. THANKS for the GREAT article.

  • JE
    Jack Evans

    Liked your tips! You can also open Legacy & your Web browser side by side. To make them fit in your monitor perfectly right-click on the task bar & then click Tile Windows Vertically.
    Jack of All Trades

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