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Legacy Genealogy Cruise – singles needed to share cabins

Legacy Genealogy Cruise – singles needed to share cabins

The 6th annual Legacy Genealogy Cruise is only four months away now (we leave September 5, 2009). We're delighted that so many of you have already signed up. We're excited to see places like Rome, Athens, and Venice. We're also getting ready for a great assortment of Legacy classes. If this cruise is anything like our previous trips, you will enjoy the company of other like-minded genealogy enthusiasts and develop lasting friendships.

If you are single, we are looking for one single male and one single female to share a cabin with another of our Legacy guests. Let us know if you are interested, or want more information.

Airfare prices have dropped recently making the cruise even more affordable. Come with us for the experience of a lifetime.

Visit http://www.legacyfamilytree.local/CruiseInfo_2009med.asp for information about where we are going, what we will see, and the lineup of genealogy classes.

Book now as we only have two weeks left for our current locked-in low rates.



Unlimited chocolate


And a decent-sized ship….


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