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Legacy tip: how to auto-add “United States” or “USA” to the end of locations

Legacy tip: how to auto-add “United States” or “USA” to the end of locations

Question from Mary:

"PAF PAL enables you to add United States or USA globally to all appropriate place names at once to a PAF file. Does Legacy provide this feature for my Legacy file?"

Yes. (By the way, I remember using PAF PAL back in the day for things like this….) Follow these steps to have Legacy automatically add United States or USA to the end of US locations that don't already have the country:

  1. Go to your Master Location List at View > Master Lists > Location
  2. Click on Options > Expand/Contract Location Parts
  3. Make sure there is a checkmark next to Add ", United States"
  4. Click Continue.

United States will then be added to all appropriate locations.

Comments (8)

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  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Bruce – send me a list of Australian abbreviations and I’ll ask that they get added. Send to

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Joe – when you choose “Add United States”, if you have any USAs, it will replace them with United States to follow the Standard Finder at

  • JS
    Joe Sigala

    I there a plan in a future Legacy update to have the program add United States automatically instead of USA?

  • BF
    Bruce Fairlie

    Auto-adding US to locations is neat. But what about the rest of us? Auto-adding Australia to expanded Australian State abbreviations would be really useful!

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Good thought John. The adding of USA is not linked to a time-sensitive database, so yes it would.

  • JH
    John Hyder

    Will it add it to states before the United States of America became a country. In other words when the colonies were still under England.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Monica – it will do a one-time addition to your existing master locations. For new locations you enter, you’ll have to spell it all out.

  • MP
    Monica Palmer

    Will following these steps continue to add the USA to the end of locations or will you have to manually go in and update it periodically? Thanks!

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