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Legacy Tip – how to turn on/off the RINs PLUS 2 little known tricks

Legacy Tip – how to turn on/off the RINs PLUS 2 little known tricks

I'm so glad Donna asked this question. Knowing the answer will give you a lot more room in Legacy's Family View. She asked,

"What does the bracket [ ] with a number in the middle after each person's name mean? Possible to delete these brackets?"

I believe Donna is referring to the numbers that appear after each person's name in the Family View. Click on the image below to see these numbers.


These numbers represent each person's RIN.

RIN = Record Identification Number

These numbers are automatically added by Legacy. Some people like 'em, some don't. Viewing these RINs in the Index View may make it easier to differentiate two people with the same name. You can also use a little-known Legacy shortcut to quickly navigate to a person in the Family View by pressing the G button, then entering their number (little known trick #1).

To simplify what you see in the Family View, you can turn off the display of these RINs by going to:

Options > Customize > View tab > Display Numbers on Names section

and make sure there is not a checkmark next to "On Family View and Pedigree View." The Family View will now look like:


Do you miss the extra numbers? I don't. But if you want to quickly see the numbers, all you have to do is look in the far lower right of the screen:


H = Husband's RIN

M = Marriage RIN

W = Wife's RIN

These numbers are always available here.

Hidden tip: click on the tiny + sign next to one of the numbers and Legacy will display the person with the next highest RIN. Now right-click on the same + sign and Legacy will go in reverse. (I discovered this right-click tip as I was writing this paragraph…always something new that we can learn…little known trick #2.)

Maybe all Donna was looking for was a simple Yes or No answer, but I just couldn't help myself.

Comments (17)

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  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Clark – I like the idea. It’s on the To Do List.

  • C

    I have so much personal information in my file (private info) that I’m very concerned about someone gaining access to my file other than what I give them. I would really like to be able to password protect my data file. Is that on the to-do list?

  • ML
    MerriLyn Loutzenhiser

    I have used the Dollarheide Numbering System for years and have never found it be be lacking. I love the way the sources line up in the files showing a person’s migration pattern. I am putting the Dollarheide Source ID# in the File ID right now. I am so happy to hear that Legacy is considering making this enhancement for us. Legacy is such a wonderful continually growing program, thank you so much. MerriLyn

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Heather – if anyone new is introduced, it would be an addition, not a replacement.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Jill – no, those numbers in the far lower right cannot currently be turned off.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Bob – to display the relationships go to Tools > Set Relationships.

  • HM
    Heather McDonald

    Hi Geoff, I use the RIN as part of the naming of all my electronic documents, pictures, etc. as well as on each person’s file. If Dollarhide numbering is introduced will the RIN’s still be available? If not, could a cross-reference be part of the conversion as it would be a huge job for me to rename everything to the new numbering system?

  • KD
    Kent D. Myrick

    You don’t even need the “G” shortcut. All you have to do is type the RIN number into the “H” box found at the bottom of every Family View screen. It doesn’t have to be the husband. Male or female numbers will bring up that person.

  • JG
    Jill Groce

    It’s very hard for me to read busy screens. Can I turn off the numbers at the bottom of the screen?
    I don’t use numbering systems but rely on content, chronology and the alphabet to track information. I’d like to be able to reorder lists to clarify them.
    —Jill in Maryland

  • BJ
    Bob Jennings

    Hi Geoff, Very interested to read about RIN’s and to view the dummy page on screen. How did you (do you)get the page to display the relative data (for example below Anna C it shows Half 1st Cousin 4 times removed). – BobJ, UK

  • KE
    Kaj Eriksson

    Hi Geoff, The numbering system is great. I use the RINs for every picture I have in my Legacy database and it is easy to find a person when using the shortcut G.

  • H

    Hi Geoff & Thomas, I have never heard of the Dollarhide numbering system, could a more comprehensive explanation be given. thanks for such a great programme. Cheers, Heather – Auck, NZ

  • T

    Thanks Geoff, I’m hopeful Dollarhide will make the cut! I for one need the RINs for research as I have many with similar names; aside from that I’ve found numbering to be very helpful when laying out a branch to explain it to others and in that sense Dollarhide is IMHO the most intuitive.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Thomas – this numbering system request is currently in our enhancement request database for consideration.

  • T

    Hi Geoff, in keeping with the subject of RINs… are there any plans to enable Legacy users to adopt the Dollarhide numbering system? While it would be great to have this option, it would be even more fantastic if Legacy could automatically renumber ones ancestors based on whoever the current starting person is! I think this shouldn’t be too difficult as Legacy already knows your relationship to the people in your database. Heck, automatic renumbering, even using another numbering system would be still priceless! Thanks! Thomas

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Donna – yes, even if you have the Deluxe edition of Legacy, you can still send relatives a copy of your family file and they will be able to view and use it in the free, standard edition.

  • D

    Your explanation is exactly what I needed. Thank you so very much. Now I will ask you another one! I have the free version of Legacy and want to purchase an upgrade, but will I still be able to send my relatives copies and will they be able to export to their free versions of Legacy?

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