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Free update to Legacy Family Tree – adds 1940 U.S. census forms and FamilySearch enhancements

Free update to Legacy Family Tree – adds 1940 U.S. census forms and FamilySearch enhancements

We have a fantastic new update for you (free!) which adds the 1940 U.S. census transcription form, new FamilySearch capabilities (auto-matching!), plus several smaller additions and enhancements.

See the download instructions below for step-by-step instructions on installing this update.

What's New

1940 Census Forms - with the upcoming release of the 1940 U.S. census (available April 2, 2012) we wanted our users to see what information will be available. Brand new to Legacy's Forms Center are two new forms – the regular form and the supplementary questions. Small examples are below. Here's how to view and print them in Legacy:

In Legacy, click on the Reports button > Books/other tab > Forms Center > Census Forms > US Federal > 1940 and click Preview.

Here's what page 1 looks like:


And page 2:


New FamilySearch enhancements

 New AutoMatch feature! Now, instead of manually linking/matching your Legacy individuals to FamilySearch, use the new AutoMatch button.


We also added the ability to start LegacyFamilySearch with just the current person – no more loading the entire database first. On the FamilySearch button in the main toolbar of Legacy, click on the new option "Open Legacy FamilySearch to the current person."

Added the AutoMatch icon to the legend.

Added a new person information bar about the tabs

Added filter actions to manage your filtered list

Added gender coloring in the individual list

Added the ability to copy marriage events back and forth

Export - added a Check All button to the Privacy tab to make it easier to include all privacy settings.

What's been changed/enhanced

Geo Location Database - it will now return "United States" instead of "USA" when selecting a location.

Descendant View - Direct line ancestors are now bolded like they are on other lists.

Web page creation - added a new option on the Misc. tab to include custom HTML or Script to the section of each document.

Individual's Information Screen - rearranged toolbar icons to match the Family View order.

What's Been Fixed

View the February 15 and January 31, 2012 release notes here.

How to Update

For our Deluxe Edition users, all you have to do is connect to the Internet, start Legacy 7, and click on the "Install and Download Now" link on the Legacy Home tab. (If you're reading this from within the Legacy Home tab inside of Legacy 7, you'll first need to click on the Home button in the top left of the Legacy Home tab which looks like the following picture:


If you are a Standard Edition Legacy user, you will need to visit our website. Go to http://www.legacyfamilytree.local/DownloadUpdate.asp and follow the instructions.


Comments (19)

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  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Yes, Barbara, you understand correctly.

  • B

    So?? If I am understanding this thread correctly this means that the family search auto match can’t be used as of yet by non LDS members, right? I just registered on the familysearch website as a non LDS church member. I then just hit the family search icon here on my legacy toolbar which took me to Legacy/familysearch. However, when I enterd the username and password I now have for the familysearch website it denied me access to the Legacy/familysearch site where I had planned to use the new auto match feature.
    So I did it correctly then but because I am not an LDS member even the Legacy/familysearch site wont work for me, right? I understand this isnt Legacy’s fault. I am just making sure I didnt make any mistakes myself in trying to access this new feature.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Doug – yes, I’d love to be able to add all the state census forms. It’s on the list, but I guess it’s been there for quite some time now…

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Jubalann – at Options > Customize > General Tab > FamilySearch.

  • J

    Where do you turn on the Family Search features?

  • DW
    Doug Williams

    Thanks for the updates. I noticed while searching for the 1940 census form that there is a Minnesota State Census form. Any plans to add the New York State Census forms?

  • CT
    Carter Thoenes

    Thx for the ‘how to’ on the 1940 census. I didn’t know that there was a forms section. Need a webinar on Legacy’s back pages.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Cliff – After clicking on the FamilySearch button in the main toolbar of Legacy (assuming that you have turned on the FamilySearch features AND that you have a new FamilySearch account), the AutoMatch button is found in the upper left of the left panel. The icon is in the legend area in the lower left.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Christine – the 1940 Census forms are found in the Reports section of Legacy. Once there, click on the Books/Other tab, and then click on the Forms Center button.

  • CG
    Christine Garrett

    I’m confused about the download. I opened my Legacy 7 Deluxe program and the system automatically updated information. Q1 – was that the updated showing the new 1940 census? After the update was finished, I went to the Legacy Home tab but all I see is Legacy News which talks about the 1940 Census info being available. I don’t see anything which shows me where to download the free Census. What am I missing and if I already did it, how do I find it?

  • CA
    Cliff Andrew

    How does one access the AutoMatch screen shown above? Where is the “AutoMatch icon added to the legend”?

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Dave Feist – “For our Deluxe Edition users, all you have to do is connect to the Internet, start Legacy 7, and click on the “Install and Download Now” link on the Legacy Home tab. (If you’re reading this from within the Legacy Home tab inside of Legacy 7, you’ll first need to click on the Home button in the top left of the Legacy Home tab…”

  • DF
    Dave Feist

    I am confused. I have the Deluxe Edition. So how do I download the update. Your instructions only talk about the standard version.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Harold – I haven’t yet heard anything about how/when they will utilize the indexers’ points. Thanks for indexing! I love it too.

  • HS
    Harold Severin

    If one is a indexer with about 12000 “points”, but not an LDS member, does that allow access?

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Ove – no, the update is good for everyone – including the FamilySearch tools that are built in to Legacy. However, logging in to the FamilySearch database has been restricted, by FamilySearch, to LDS members. It is this restriction that they have been slowly lifting as they make it public. So it’s not a restriction that Legacy has put into place.

  • OT
    Ove Tegnér

    So , this is only for the LDS members?

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Klaus – I wish I knew. Last I heard was that FamilySearch was “slowly” rolling it out to the public, but it seems that it’s stopped as they’re trying to solve some more problems.

  • KS
    Klaus Saurugger

    When will the family search feature be available all users?

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