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Legacy Family Tree on your phone or tablet

Legacy Family Tree on your phone or tablet

Familiesipadiphone While at the Legacy Family Tree booth at RootsTech last week, never before had so many people asked,

"Can Legacy run on my iPhone?"

"Can Legacy run on my Android?"

"Can Legacy run on my tablet?"

I was happy to be able to answer the question with,


Thanks to the Families app by TelGen Limited, you can sync your mobile device with your Legacy Family Tree family file. Yes – I said sync – meaning, not only can you view your information on your mobile device, but whatever you add to it can be synced back to your Legacy file on your computer. I've personally never done this – I just have it on my Android phone (Droid X) so I can view it – and all my pictures, To Do Lists, names, dates, and places – any time I want.

Click here to learn more or purchase Families.

Webinar on April 11, 2012

Malcolm Green, the developer of the app, will be presenting a webinar for us on Wednesday, April 11, 2012. He will be in London, England and you will be at your home computer watching. All you have to do is register (free) for the webinar by clicking here.

A little enthusiasm

One of our Legacy Family Tree users, Sandra Benward, recently wrote to me about her discovery of Families. With her permission, I've republished her email below, which she also published on her Root Cellar's blog:

I am so excited because I have found a way to use my NEW iPad and my Legacy Family Tree Software which is PC based together. They say it couldn't be done. I wanted the iPad for many reasons but one was to have my family tree available to me any time…….. and I love Legacy Family Tree and didn't want to have to change to another genealogical software. AND I HAVE IT ALL NOW. Yes the little app called "families" sync's with my iPad/iPhone, my computer and my Legacy database. Oh my goodness, I now have Families on my iPhone and my iPad……. I can edit and add information — it contains all my family information at my fingertips.

Originally I was looking ahead and wondering how I would handle my family database at Roots Tech Conference next week. But while looking through all the upcoming webinars on the Legacy Family Tree website I came across the webinar about "Genealogy on the Go"…… stopped to read the information and just got so excited. Can this be true? Will this solve my problem? Can this really be true? I am here to tell you it is true. I signed up for the webinar but I didn't want to wait till April so I downloaded the Families app and followed the directions.

I tested it out this past Wednesday when 40plus researchers took a bus ride to Sutro Library in San Francisco. I had both my iPad and iPhone with me armed and ready. IT WORKS!! I can be in the depths of the library looking over some microfilm/fische or documents and not have to go back to my chair and get my computer up and running, start my Legacy program and find the detail information I needed and then go back to the other room and resume again. It was right there at my fingertips…… I can hardly believe it, I am so excited about this for me and I could not wait to share it with you. Now I am really ready for Roots Tech, FGS, NGS and other conferences plus just every day time at the local archives.

Comments (19)

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  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Juanima – the Families app works on the iDevices. Legacy is not written for the Mac but works well if you Mac also has Windows.

  • JM
    Juanima McFarland

    Well, will this work on my Apple computer?

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Peggy – yes, Families works on the iPhone.

  • PH
    Peggy Helton

    Does Families work on the iphone?

  • SB
    Sandra Brock

    I’ve been using Families on my Galaxy Tab 7.0 since last September’s Legacy Cruise. I LOVE being able to carry all my files with me in one powerful, but tiny package. Please offer the webinar online after the live broadcast for those of us unable to leave work to catch it live!

  • PH
    Peter H.

    Will this work on a Sony eBook Reader and how? Will it work on a Rim Playbook? Thanks. Hope so – good excuse to buy one 🙂

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Mel – Yes, Families will run on the NOOK Color. You’ll need to follow a few extra steps in order to be able to install third party (i.e. non B&N) apps (but note that this does NOT require the device to be rooted). See the following link for details:…er-ex.html

  • MR
    Mel Ring

    I have a NOOK Color. Will Legacy run on that tablet?

  • GN
    Glade Nelson

    Will this program work with a Kindle Fire?

  • A

    I have a Blackberry Playbook.Can I download the Families app to it?

  • JE
    Judy Edwards

    I have been using Families in sync with PC laptop and netbook for over a year now! Great, irreplaceable app!! Instructions are poor, but with a little (a lot) of working at it, it really is quite simple to do. Just wish “Families” had better, more precise detailed instructions. I’m sure the April webinar will help.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Svein – I haven’t heard anything about Families for Windows 7 phones. Has anyone else?

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Regarding the Nook, here is the response I received from Malcolm Green, the developer of Families:
    See Note, however, that there are some issues with the latest Nook version 1.4.1. I’m working on getting Families into the Nook App Store….

  • SB
    Svein Bjerkholt

    When will this be available for windows 7 phones?

  • MS
    Mary Searles

    I have a NOOK. Is the families app compatible?

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Sue – We have tested Families on the Android 4.0 emulator, so don’t expect any problems with the Galaxy.

  • SD
    Sue Draper

    I’m planning to pick up a Samsung Galaxy S II this weekend, my first Android smart phone, which is expected to be eligible for Google’s “ice cream sandwich” soon. Will the Families app be compatible with the OS upgrade?

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