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Legacy Family Tree 8 Revealed

Legacy Family Tree 8 Revealed

It's time to start unwrapping the newest edition of our Legacy Family Tree software – version 8 – but just a little at a time. This will be the first of many articles showing some of Legacy's coming features. I'll start with some of the smaller features and work my way up to revealing the really cool new stuff.

Today I'll begin by showing some of the main Legacy 8 screens, which have not changed a whole lot but when you see them, I am certain you will enjoy the refreshing look of the modern touches we have added.

Both the Family View and the Pedigree View have had a face-lift…



…but we are still trying to decide which color scheme to go with. Which do you like, the "Vintage" color scheme above or the "Blues" color scheme below? Click here to cast your vote.



New Ribbon

Did you notice the new Ribbon at the top? We "stole" it from our Legacy Charting software that you have enjoyed so much. Now it is easier to find the right tools for the job.


Having the new Ribbon also gives you a lot more room on the screen. Collapsing it (by double-clicking on it) hides the buttons…


…and really cleans up the interface.

Did you also notice the new "4" and "5" buttons in the upper left of the Pedigree View. Now it is easier to change between displaying 4 or 5 generations at a time.


That is certainly not everything new in these views. Those with really good eyes probably noticed the __________, the new __________, the new __________, and the new __________. I'll write about them in the articles to come. What else did you notice?

So there you have it – some of the smaller of the new Legacy 8 features revealed. But to me, it's always been the small things in Legacy that have made me so happy.

When will Legacy 8 be released?

Since I've now opened the can of worms, I'll answer the most-anticipated question first. There's more than one truthful answer to this:

  • I'm not really sure, but probably before the end of the year, and hopefully way before then
  • When it has been thoroughly tested by our development team and beta testers

But if you are considering downloading either the free or deluxe editions of Legacy, don't wait! Any purchases of Legacy 7.5 from May 8, 2013 forward will receive the new Legacy 8 at no charge. And as always, anyone who has purchased Legacy Deluxe previously will qualify for special discounted upgrade pricing. Get started today – you won't have to relearn everything when Legacy 8 is ready, but you'll get some really nice new features when it is.

Comments (163)

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  • WM
    Wendy McGillivray

    Go with Vintage. It’s easy on the eyes, and lets face it, the people we add to our Trees are mostly ‘Vintage’ anyway… Looking forward to this new Legacy 8 system !

  • D

    I prefer the vintage but please don’t take away the option to personalise the colours. I have mine set just the way I like it 🙂 Thanks for a great programme.

  • CB
    Cynthia B. C.

    Hey Jeff is it too late to suggest an improvement?
    I think an alphabet side bar on the index page (like in my contacts on my phone) would be great. Faster way to get to my people!

  • B

    I don’t want to duplicate work (retype everything) when transferring information between Legacy and the LDS Family Tree on-line program. Will version 8 transfer directly?

  • CB
    Chris Buist

    Windows 8 Tablet and Phone would be very attractive. What about moving to an annual subscription option like Microsoft Office? I understand the potential impact on your revenue but it removes all the discussion about paying for upgrades.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    osiris – yes, there have been enhancements to DNA.

  • O

    Will the DNA support be improved? The current version can’t handle all my mtdna mutations. I’d love it it I confirm my mtdna haplogroup all other direct female lines get same same haplogroup as predicted.

  • DG
    David Grimshaw

    To all those that say they will jump ship to another program due to having to pay for the upgrade from version 7 to version 8.
    I am willing to bet that in less than three years of going to the likes of FTM you will be back.
    Also remember that we have had many mini or minor upgrades and based on a one mini or minor upgrade per year we have saved much compared to other branded Genealogical programs out there that charge per up grade regardless of it being a mini or minor upgrade.
    Be thankful that all the mini or minor upgrades have been free with in the current version 7 and I am sure that these will be free after the move to version 8 as well.
    For those that are using an Andriod or Ipad did you know that the Families application will sync your legacy data and it is fully editable.
    If you did not know then you missed the news late last year.

  • DG
    David Grimshaw

    I prefer the vintage background personally.
    As for the Deluxe upgrade from 7 to 8 well I expect to be paying something as we have been as rightly pointed out getting all those mini upgrades since the move from Version 6.
    I moved from FTM due to the insistent demands to grade each year as far as I am concerned at lest Legacy has not adopted that stance and allows us to put our hard earned money to research purposes, this applies to all of us on a tight budget.
    Have used TMG and found it not as intuitive as Legacy and thus easier to connect individuals or families when doing a One Name Study.
    Remember at the end of the day Keep it Simply Simple.
    Legacy for other Operating Systems (OS) such as a Linux compatible version and maybe Apple compatible version as well would be great.
    Have tried Linux via Codeweaver the commercial version of (WINE)and found it not to be as reliable as when running in Windows and it is a pain to have it running Via a Virtual machine on a Linux OS, well that is what I have found.
    As far as I am aware in Linux the only Genealogical software available is GRAMPS even though it is open source.
    Legacy even the current version is far better IMHO as I prefer the Family chart for inputting new members of a family or linking family, GRAMPS does not appear to have a Family Group sheet view that I am aware of.
    So making an old version of Legacy available as Open source I am sure may gain more adopter’s of the program.
    As for the app Families that works with Legacy I have found that in the events area i may not have been entering information as it ought to have been entered, now slowly but surely putting this right in relation to census’s.

  • MS
    Mark Schneider

    Thanks so much for putting everything that you do into the Legacy application. Legacy 7.5 is comprehensive no doubt but I am hoping for a substantial update to the visual aspect which I feel is lacking a bit. The fonts and graphics seem like they could be adjusted for a better visually asthetic appearance possibly.
    Also in the family view please allow for quicker ability to add individuals. Now it takes more than one click to add a parent or child. Please reduce that to one. It sure does add up when you get into the hundreds of people added.
    I also love the birthday reminder but can you allow for a global setting that allows you to turn on for all (except deceased) or maybe certain generations or lines could get reminders. It would greatly reduce the time spent individually adding notifications to each person.
    Thanks again for the wonderful work that you do!

  • D

    If you insist on an upgrade charge, what will the charge be? Still love your products!

  • JB
    Judy Brown

    Definitely prefer the BLUE. It is much easier on my eyes. Love Legacy and have been using it for a few years now and have recommended it to others who are now also using it.

  • MF
    Marcellyn Fowler

    Love Legacy and have no problem with paying the charge for a new version considering the tremendous work and time it takes to write code and test to be sure it all works as planned. My opinion is that those complaining about the relativelt small charge also complain about paying $2.00 for a loaf of bread rather than the $.25 we paid decades ago.
    I have a suggestion to be considered although I don’t know how many find themselves in a similar situation. My database contains more than 27,000 individuals because I have been able to go back to the 500s and all over Europe. Names were so very different then with no consistency in spelling. Adding alternate names are not always appropriate. For example, if looking for an Elizabeth in the name list, would you think to look for Isabel? These names were often used interchangeably centuries ago. I would like to be able to add to the name list an entry at the beginning of the Elizabeths “see also Isabel.” Other examples occur when recording the name as it appears originally when using different languages such as Henry, Henri,
    Enrique, or John, Juan, Giovanni, etc. I don’t want alternate names entered in the name list for every person to which this situation applies. It would get to bulky with this size database.
    Thank you for your hard work and visionary efforts to see where electronic databases are likely going.

  • M

    I like both colour schemes and wish they were both available. It’s true the vintage colours are much easier on aging eyes. Although I love colour in my life and like the blue very much, there is much more colour intensity from the palest blue to the dark blue – and not such a drastic change in the vintage example. I think if the darker colours were toned down a few notches starting in the middle to the right hand side it would easier on the eyes. The example showing the pale blue at the top and darkest at the bottom is much easier on the eyes than the left to right version which is too dark on the right side.

  • GD
    Gail Dyer

    I really like what I see – I think I favour the blue colour scheme but it would be nice to have a choice to switch colours. I also quite like the new ribbon.
    I can’t believe that people are reluctant to pay for the major upgrade! I have a number of software programs on my computer and have used a number of others over the years. I have never received a major upgrade for free. I have always had to pay. I am not a computer programmer but I have written a website using html and I have dabbled a bit in writing php script. Stop and think how much time and effort goes into putting together a major upgrade. It doesn’t just happen overnight.
    I can’t wait to see the final product.

  • WM
    William Myers

    I like the blue better, but agree that creating your own color scheme is also a good option.
    Not so sure I will keep if I have to pay for the upgrade.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Lois – Legacy 8 will continue to work with Families on both the Apple and Android devices.

  • LV
    Lois Vallance

    Will Legacy 8 work with the current Families app? If not, hopefully that will be upgraded also. Will Legacy 8 going to work on Ipad using Safari?

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Fred – great idea! I’ll add it to our enhancement request database.

  • FM
    Fred Mattox

    I vote for the vintage color. Easier on the eyes. I hope that the upgrde will include the ability to show the relationship to the starting person on the family group report

  • JS
    Jerrol Syme

    Look forward to the new version. It would be nice if everything were free but that is unrealistic. If my ancestors had waited for “free” passage to America or “free” wagons to travel west, I would be living in Europe today.
    Whatever the cost for the new version, it will be worth it.

  • SC
    Sandy Coleman

    I am wondering about AFN and Family Tree ID numbers. AFNs are still useful to find people in a Google search but the new ID numbers don’t upload to Gencircles or Rootsweb. Ideally what is needed is a new box for that the old AFN number can transfer into and a new box to replace the old AFN with the new ID. I’ve been seriously thinking about making a T-shirt saying I was (AFN number) but now I’m (new ID number) but I so far I can’t find my AFN number.

  • GH
    Graham Hendry

    Either colour scheme is OK but my preference is for the vintage one.
    I hope version 8 will also include the ability to present children in DOB sequence as sometimes not all the children in a family are able to be discovered in this sequence.

  • A

    I like the blue screen. I do most of my genealogy at night time and the contrast is easier on my eyes.
    I concur with others and hope that the upgrade will be free for deluxe users. I wonder if we will be able to customise the ribbons for tasks that we do most often.
    An option to make the Picture Gallery show “All Pictures” automatically when opened.
    Ability to scale a tree so that it will fit to ‘X’ number of
    Looking forward to seeing what else has been improved.

  • SM
    Sylvia Murphy

    The blue is just too too boldly blue, hence I much prefer the vintage, but like another writer I want to see divider lines between people – have noted you said this can be turned on or off. Yes, I also agree with those who requested alternate colour schemes which the user can select.
    To all the whingers about having to pay an upgrade price: Legacy must be the best value quality genealogy software around – we get stacks of free upgrades. I can’t remember when I last paid for an upgraded version – Geoff will probably remind us. According to users I know of another well known genealogy software they have to pay for upgrades every year and they. With Legacy we only pay every few years when there is a really major upgrade.
    Yes, also – will the new version be compatible with Win8 touchscreen?
    Thanks for a great program. Sylvia

  • VB
    valerie B Garton

    I agree with those that have said we should not have to pay for an upgrade. Legacy is the program I recommend to my Probus Family History Group. Another congratulations that this message window has spell check – did not like my word Probus.
    Cheers from Valerie in sunny Sydney

  • E

    Since purchasing Version 4 or 5, I have paid a discounted price for every version, and it is still less expensive than other software I have seen, particularly when you consider the absolutely awesome features that are built into each new version. I have never been disappointed yet.
    I am glad to have more control for the color schemes because my eyes don’t always work with the same color background. I am also anxious to get back to syncing with FamilySearch. I haven’t been doing much of that lately because of problems caused by using the OLD new FamilySearch. Are they also allowing us to sync sources with FamilySearch?

  • LG
    Lesley GORRELL

    Please allow dates to show as follows: (1862-dec.) where the person is marked as deceased but no date is known, instead of (1862-)

  • L

    I am amazed at the negative comments! Don’t like change? Fine, then stay with 5.0. It still works. Entitled to a free upgrade? Be sure to tell your local movie theater that you have paid to see their last four movies so now they should let you see all the new movies for free. Come on, people. We have got a good deal here – a real bargain in entertainment. Where do you think they get the money to keep the improvements coming?

  • RS
    Russell Strong

    to Sharon Tate: There are still showing the same 11 icons on the family view screen, however the Parents icon has been moved between the spouses and siblings icons from where it was between the aka and address icons and there appears to be a little down arrow at the bottom of the persons field so that more icons are available and apparently you can customize what icons are shown.

  • DD
    David Doeltz

    The price of Legacy is so reasonable for such a quality product that I don’t know how anyone can complain about paying for a major upgrade. Last year when you added that whole census querying thing it was fantastic; and there was no charge for that. It is really nice to use a software product where the developers understand the users and continually add so many beneficial features. Keep up the good work.

  • JL
    Jane Linkswiler

    I could not participate in the survey because, oddly enough, I rather like the FamGroupSheet in the Blue but DO prefer the PedChart in the vintage. So, not too sure where that leaves me.
    And have to say, upGRADES in any program are not free, there is always some cost. upDATES Are free as Legacy has always done and I have always appreciated.

  • SB
    Shirley Buckland

    Vintage with the lines that would be cool. I have loved Legacy from the very beginning. Such fantastic customer service and they always work hard to keep it up to date and are not afraid to change things when we moan!!

  • AE
    Alan Eardley

    Looking good, please keep it simple. The simple views puts Legacy top of the league over other systems.
    To address the earlier comments of clarity please it would be a good idea to make sure that some of your beta testers are in the group of having “mature” eyesight.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Gil – I’m not yet sure how the enhanced color coding looks yet. It, with its new additional color choices and multiple group choices are almost done being implemented. I’ll write about it in a future article.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Greg – yes, there will still be discounted upgrade pricing for existing Legacy Deluxe users.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Jim – the children/family/spouse lists in the Pedigree View were turned off for the screenshot I took. Personally, I like them hidden but they can optionally be displayed. This is true in version 7 also.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Danny – yes, there will be some new sorting options, but you’ll have to wait for a future Legacy 8 Unveiled article for more….

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Kevon – I’ve just heard from the developer of the “Families” app that it will continue to be compatible with Legacy v8. Families works on both the Apple and Android devices.

  • DN
    David Noblet

    The Vintage seems to be a little easier to read.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Richard – thanks for your thoughts. However, although it’s been about 5 years since our last major upgrade, we have always provided upgrade pricing between major versions (like from v6 to v7, and v5 to v6, and v4 to v5, etc.). In between, all the minor updates have been free.

  • RS
    Richard S. Carlton

    I agree with the Vintage look … somehow it seems more “professional” if that makes any sense. But these days I agree, also, with other folks about having options in the backgrounds, themes, etc.
    The other issue is, again, the fact that those of us who have used the deluxe versions for years have always been able to translate up without cost. That, believe it or not, is one of the main reasons I haven’t even looked at other programs in the past. Please re-consider.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Sandra – Legacy 8 will not be removing anything and you will still have the options to fully customize it how you want.

  • KH
    Kevon Hardin

    I have recently obtained a tablet, but it is Android driven. Will you have an Android version for the Legacy 8? I got the tablet to make it easier to go to libraries and do my research without lugging the heavy lap-top around. Please, please, please make us a GREAT and AWESOME Android version too… I want to be able to use my Legacy programs again…
    Thank you.

  • SG
    Sandra Gill

    Going against the grain – I can understand charging (with a discount) for a full version upgrade. Quite a bit of work goes into upgrades and if Legacy Family Tree does not make money, it will go out of business, which is waaaay worse than paying a stipend for a large upgrade.
    Please be careful about what is removed from the old version 7. ‘Mature eyes’ need high contract colors. Will all the ‘unique’ citations I’ve created to handle non-standard items (such as French military records) still be available? I am persnickety about citations and have many French records that could not be handled by the citation templates using SourceWriter (though all the US citation templates are very helpful). FYI – the templates for military record citations for the US are very weak.
    Good luck,

  • C

    I like the new blue option. It is a lot easier on these old, damaged eyes. I changed the colour scheme on my current version of Legacy.
    Jason: as I understand it, it is only the current version of FamilySearch that is being closed. The site will continue with the dreaded “improvements”.
    Pat: yes, free upgrades for all would be nice but if Legacy did that as well as all the free webinars, they would might go out of business – then where would we be? 😉

  • IT
    Ingo ter Meulen

    If there’s only one choice I vote for blue, but I hope both will be available (hopefully just a schema definition). I only would suggest to make the space left and right of the boxes a bit smaller and if you need to work with shadows, make them a bit smoother.
    Ribbons are good, if correctly implemented. And they give the possibility to add buttons/groups to the Quick Access toolbar, so there’s a direct access to the most needed functions.
    Other (really hope it’s on your radar for the next version):
    One of my main painpoints, not only with Legacy, is, that it is not possible to track witnesses as real database entry/real person, linked to an event. This would required to use the definition of GEDCOM 5.5EL, which has also a lot of advantages, when it comes to locations (see
    Book creation: possibility to created multiple indices in one book (e. g. Person, location, witnesses,…)
    Reports: location/times comparisons across multiple trees to discover patterns/probably connections. Did this manually (lots of work), but it helped to determine where and for which time it would be worth to take a closer look.

  • 1

    I like both colour schemes. Can you offer something like Mozilla Firefox Themes or “Persona”, where the user can change the schemes?
    I think your pricing policy is ok. That’s what every software company does: You get smaller updates, i.e. from 7.4 to 7.5, for free and you have to pay for the bigger ones, i.e. 7.5 to 8.0.
    You will perhaps offer a discount for v7.5 deluxe users…

  • DL
    Danny Lawrence

    Like Gale I hope that there will be a simpler way to sort children into age order and, indeed, a simpler way to sort lists in general. In other software I use, the selected sort order automatically becomes the default for subsequent entries. So, for example, if you choose date order you do not have to re-sort every time you add a new entry to the list.
    On a different matter: will there be an obvious empty box on the screen if you can’t or don’t want to provide a photo? Personally, I can see no obvious advantage in adding a photo of someone at one particular point in time and actually find the photos a distraction from what is Legacy’s primary purpose: the nature of the relationships between the people in your family tree.

  • JK
    Jonna Kvist

    I have always liked the Legacy feature allowing one to select his/her own color schemes, hope that option remains, otherwise it’s a step backwards, up to my opinion. I’m not happy to have to BUY the upgrade. It used to be free, as I remember it.

  • HG
    Helen Gunnell

    I think the Blue is better for the older eyes, or at any rate for
    my older eyes.
    I hope there is Not to much of a big change as I like the way Legacy
    looks now, I am not big on changes to the look of things.
    I have been using Legacy since version 2 & would NOT change for anything
    it is a great programme.

  • LS
    Lowell Stewart

    Geoff, I’m really looking forward to the new version.
    As far as the new screen shots, I prefer the Vintage ones, but it’s as much because of the reduced clutter (by not having the gradient backgrounds on every text area) as it is the colors themselves. Also, I think the ribbon is great. It’s been six years since Microsoft essentially scuttled toolbars and adopted ribbons. It did take a while to adjust, but now I never want to go back. So I welcome that change!

  • MA
    Marvelyn Adams

    I like the look of the new version. Keep those upgrades coming. I’m happy to pay for any upgrades to a new version. (7-8)

  • JM
    Jim MB Buchanan

    `I believe the vintage view is best, however, what has happened to the Children and other fields in the top and bottom left of the “pedigree panel’?

  • SK
    Sharon Krisko

    I can’t imagine getting V8 as an upgrade from V7.5 free for us long-time deluxe users of V7.5…there are so many of us using deluxe the company couldn’t possibly make a profit.
    As for the Vintage vs Blue, my mature eyes like options to change as needed.
    Legacy has always been attuned to our needs from the onset, and no matter what, I’m not concerned and will upgrade as soon as available!! Thanks Legacy team!

  • GW
    Glenn Woodman

    I have been a Legacy user since Version 2.0. I have never been disappointed with each subsequent upgrade. I look forward to receiving Version 8.0 and will happily pay for it. Legacy’s price point is consistently and surprisingly low for the high value of the product. I’m rather puzzled by the expectations of some that they should be rewarded with a free upgrade by virtue of having used it in the past. Would that Ford reward me with a new 2014 model vehicle for my faithful purchases in the past. Kudos to the folks at Legacy for their dedication and commitment to providing us with a most excellent tool.

  • LL
    Lyn Loutzenhiser

    I think that the Vintage colors are a little easier on the eyes. I am very excited about the title “Research Log” in the ribbon view. Having Research logs in the Legacy Program will help me be more efficient.

  • AI
    Angel I. Camacho

    I have been with you for many years now, and I have always bought the CD and the manual for the Deluxe Edition. I have always paid for these changes. Isn’t it about time that we the customers who have had the Deluxe Edition for a long time get a brake and get this new change for free. By the way, I like the Vintage better. Also, I would like to add, when are you coming out with a Spanish version of Legacy. I have asked this question before.

  • GM
    Greg Monette

    I agree with Pat Miller. I vote free upgrade or at least a reduced price.
    The changes are nice. Please keep in mind that some of us have been loyal for years and love Legacy.

  • M

    For all those wanting free upgrades to a new version – how do you think the programmers etc are going to eat? Do you work for free? It is cheap, pay for the upgrade and the program will continue to develop.
    I couldn’t care less about the color schemes, I will change it to my own colors anyway. I find this a remarkably silly thing to start promoting as a reason for a new version.

  • JZ
    Jeff Zinsli

    Regarding the new family and pedigree screens…without studying things it looks like changes to the Family view appear to be relatively minor and mostly cosmetic. I like the Pedigree view better than what’s available in the current version of Legacy. It will be interesting to see from future postings as to what features have been added.

  • LJ
    l j

    I was under the impression that I would get free upgrades. How much will it cost for these changes?

  • GG
    Gil Giles

    I use Ancestor Color Coding for Pedigree display. How does that look with the new blue color?

  • DA
    Dianne A

    Updates have been free (and there have been many of them), but major upgrades (from version 6 to 7 for example) have always had a cost associated with them. Geoff has already said that there will be a discounted price available to current owners of LFT Deluxe 7.5. I honestly don’t know how a fair person could object to that. If you don’t feel the need for the changes coming in version 8, you are not required to upgrade. That is a “no cost” option. If you buy 7.5 deluxe today, you get ver 8 free when released. This is standard in the software business.
    It is clear that a lot of work has gone into the next major version and I’m anxious to see what the goodies are. I want to see Legacy survive to continue to provide this great software. They can’t do it by giving everything away; they like to eat too.
    As for colors and lines, I want lots of options. Dark backgrounds are particularly difficult for mature eyes. Bring on the fun!!

  • E

    I am happy to pay to upgrade to the new version. It is always very reasonable and you offer free to people purchasing now. You all work so hard to give us a quality product. All minor upgrades are free which is a major bonus. You need to get money to do research and make a quality product even better.
    I also like vintage. Keep up the good work.

  • BF
    Brian Finnegan

    I attended all of your classes at this weekends Jamboree and found that the new version 8 seems to be great. I liked that you demoed what you could of the new software. I can not wait till it is released and I get my copy.

  • CB
    Carolyn Brown

    I have been a Legacy user for years, and all upgrades have not been free. Only those within the same version number. When Legacy went from 6 to 7 Deluxe users got the upgrade at a discount, and we all jumped on it for the Source Writer. Geoff says there will be an upgrade charge for Legacy 8, but it will be discounted to Deluxe users. I am looking forward to the upgrade as I have a feeling we are going to hear something great in the next few e-newsletters. Also want to be able to color code family lines multiple places in the file
    No Matter what, I am sure it will be great.

  • FP
    Frank Phillips

    Many vendors have an early bird discount for those of us who are delighted with the product and understand that the license we have is only for the current version. The deluxe version is really quite inexpensive and it would be unfair to the developers to expect perpetual upgrades.
    I am anxiously awaiting the opportunity to sign up for the upgrade.

  • MM
    Mary Masengale Lovell

    I have been a user of Legacy since sometime in 2000 with Version 3.
    Love the new look projected for Version 8!!! Updated, but nice to see familiar features of this beloved program (yes, I am one of those unable to give up Legacy when converting to the MAC experience so Parallels is my choice for running the program) Now if only I can figure out how to carry on the I-phone or I-pad just can’t get the hang of the option avail for this yet).
    Now, colors…. agree, I am more attracted to to the standard gray, but would appreciate the option to choose when mood or whim dictates. Legacy has always been wonderful in allowing preference options!
    One thing I don’t see quickly is the family line color option and advanced tagging on the family view.
    What are the red exclamation points on the family & pedigree view?
    I notice there are two more icons on the bottom of the husband/wife in the family view; anxious to see what these are for.
    I do like the “My Toolbar”, quick access to 4 or 5 generations, primary photo options on the Pedigree view. And am happy to see the quick bookmark and male/female color option on the pedigree view remain available.
    This is just as a quick look, I am impressed and very excited to see what other new things you have in store for us Geoff. Thanks again for such a wonderful product!

  • LT
    Lorna Toti

    Like the new version so far, also like the vintage. Been Legacy user for many years and have other programs but Legacy by far the best.

  • SJ
    Sharon Johnson

    I opt for Vintage. I love Legacy; it is more user friendly than other programs I have tried.

  • ST
    Sharon Tate

    I love the new color scheme but hope other colors might become available. Love the new ribbon across the top also. Can’t wait to upgrade my 7.5 Deluxe version.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Wanita – yes, it will still work with Families.

  • D

    Given the amount of support and development that you put into the product, it’s more than reasonable to have a fee to upgrade to a major version (assuming it is major). The level of active support was definitely a factor in my choice of Legacy when I changed software 4 or 5 years ago.

  • WK
    Wanita Klaassens

    Will the new version 8 still work with “Families” for i-phone?

  • PB
    Pat Bean

    I love the blue…and my eyes are pretty bad. I’m excited about the new changes in the program.
    I started out with PAF and then went to Ancestral Quest. Legacy was my third try and I love it! I’d never want anything else but this program.

  • JH
    Jackie Horton

    I like the blues — hopefully we can take our pick — I hate the vintage.

  • CS
    Cate Schweitzer-Toepfer

    Voted for blue as preferred. Would like line or gradient in whatever view is finally selected. Choice of multi views of course would be the best provided it doesn’t take tons of recoding in the program. Also color coding according to four color Mary Hill system would be preferred over just red/blue for female/male relatives in display and printing. Excited about the revamps especially since when you guys do upgrades they really work before being released, unlike some really heavy hitters who sell “beta” of operating systems, let users debug for them after the sale … and then issue debugged versions as “new” with full pricing … no discount offered to prior users. Would have even liked to be a “user beta tester”. Have recommended Legacy to many geni buddies as overall best in the market and am really looking forward to the cruise in Sept. which is my 65th birthday present!

  • SH
    Susan Haskell

    Will we still get the chance to customise our own screen appearances as we do presently?
    Maybe the blue scheme could be a set file option for diehards.
    I already use a modified vintage scheme with my own colours, etc. echoing the tones I use on my personal website which are much easier on the eyes.

  • GS
    George S McGuinness

    I have used Legacy Delux since starting my Family Tree as I thought it the best program on the market now you are going to make me pay for an upgrade ” NOT PLEASED”

  • CH
    Catherine Hingson

    I like the vintage view

  • KT
    Ken Turner

    Another vote for the vintage appearance. Can’t wait for it all to happen!

  • JC
    James Coble

    I’m sorry but I think you are splitting hairs between “Update” and “Upgrade”.
    Everytime you make a change in the existing program whether it be a 7.05 or 8.0 you just upgraded the program. Then to tell the users who have been using your for several years that we, if we want the new and improved program 8.0, are going to have to buy it supposedly at a discount.
    I agree with several others who have posted their displeasure about being charged for the “New Improved Version 8” even if it is discounted.
    I am going to delete the program off of my system. All these 7. whatevers have been an upgrades to the original program. Now all of the sudden it becomes a new program by calling it version 8. sorry I don’t buy it.
    Jim Coble

  • ML
    Maree Larsen

    Definitely easier for us oldies to see the ‘Vintage’ screens .. but for the others who like the blues .. have a choice 🙂

  • DT
    dottie tormey

    I’m hoping that making files will be a little simpler (for us who need the “do this, see this” then do that (see that)….I’ve made a file or 2 but it was by guess and by golly, and where did that file go and how do I save it when I want it on a disk, etc. Likewise the same comment for deciding how and when to enter and use sources.
    Love the vintage….and will gladly pay for a new edition as even though I currently have the deluxe; I know updating is an expensive process to the company. I do appreciate the “small” updates.
    When I print out a family group…that’s what I get. In order to get notes onto the page–the notes have to be on the note page (even tho the info is in the events, another duplication) I would like the option to edit what events (and/or notes) show up if the chronology box is checked… One family group gets the regular individual info, and the chronology is duplicated for husband and wife if I’ve entered census information as events for each individual….which results in a waste of ink, paper, and adds to my frustration level. Maybe it would be different if I tried the “publish book” form, but haven’t tried that yet.

  • LW
    Louise Wilder Scott

    Vintage please for these old eyes. I am 89 and have used Legacy for 14 years.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Ros – yes, the 3D option can still be turned on. Mine was turned off for the screenshot.

  • RH
    Ros Haywood

    I love the ‘Blues’ because I like to have colour around. The ‘Vintage’ one looks too bleached and drained. I will be collapsing the Ribbon straight away, as it looks as though there is much too much to cope with – all those buttons and icons just make it look fussy. LOVE the program (and I understand about charging when you upgrade to a new version and not charging when it is just an upgrade *within* a version). The only thing I would say is that it seems to have lost its 3D look and become flat and somewhat boring. Is there an option where we can make it more 3D and have lines separating the children? Please?

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Dave Zenger – great ideas. We’ve done a lot of them….

  • DZ
    Dave Zenger

    I have a few suggestions:
    1) An auto sort of the children by birth date similar to auto sort events by date. How many clicks should it take to sort the children’s list?
    2) Options to show all 9 tabs (if desired) rather than the current limit of 3 (or at least more than 3)
    3) In Pedigree view, option to show relationship for all people shown who have a relationship. Useful when displaying a second cousin to see which of their Ancestors is also your ancestor.
    4) Return the option to search the IGI, unless that ship has sailed never to return
    5) Improve the Search Internet function to push more data into the search function. Even though a birth date is shown on the window where you select the database to search, the birth date is not used in the (for Instance) Ancestry search.
    6) I may be mistaken, but an option to shrink the font size on the Index panel to allow more data to be shown for each person. What would be outstanding would be to reduce the font on certain columns, such as Tabs 1-9 since they show only X or blank and we are not trying to read the data.
    7) An option to sort pictures by either date entered for the picture or picture file name yet optionally ignore the first picture.
    8) Move what I call the error reports (People with Multiple Spouses, etc) to a much more logical location. Took me 3 years to use help to find them.
    I’ll think about a few more
    ps: No it does not stink to pay a small fee to get some significant enhancements. imho

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Bob – there have been some great sorting additions. Watch for a future article on this.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Nancyanne – the 1/2 symbol in front of a child indicates that they are shown as being a 1/2 sibling. To turn this on, right-click on a child, select View, and select “Show 1/2 kids”

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Robert – tagging is still available, although I had it turned off for these screenshots.

  • SD
    S. Damon Kletzien

    I like the “upgraded” look of BLUE, but maybe it should be lighter blue to highten contrast. Also, I’ve long wished that the screens — especially the main screen — have a more “polished–professional” look like some other genealogy programs. It’s a great program; like it a lot, and Geoff is incrediby engaged with his “constitutency.”

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Patricia – yes, it will still work on XP…

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Diane – yes, you’ll be able to change the colors. In fact, you will have A LOT more customization abilities with the colors if you want them.

  • PC
    Patricia Crossett

    Yes, I like the blues, but think perhaps older eyes MIGHT find the non-color option easier. I do like the ribbon bit. The sort of shadowed parts (unless it is these older eyes making it look shadowy!) are kind of nice, too.
    Will Legacy 8 still work on a Windows XP?

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Don, yes, Legacy 8 will optionally have FamilySearch FamilyTree integration.

  • DJ
    Don J.

    Vintage with the option to customize.
    Will the new version be able to sync to Familytree?

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Kurt – keep watching this blog, you’ll be excited to see what we have for both the expanded color coding and the tags.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Richard – both the vintage, blue, and many other color schemes will be available, plus you can add design and add your own.

  • VW
    Virginia Winn

    Interesting conversations. I have never seen where users expected to receive new versions of a software product for free. Upgrades to a given version are often free but not completely new versions. That universal among software products. Maybe they just don’t know the difference.

  • RW
    Richard Welsh

    I like the Vintage, but why not have both as an option. It really should be a property on the screen class so giving an option shouldn’t be a major developmental issue.

  • BH
    Barbara H. Fenner

    I vote for blue but like others would really like options to change color swchemes and have lines or no lines. At 71 it is easier toread with lines separating the data. Love using Legacy – it is very intuitive.

  • KK
    Kurt Kneeland

    Based on what I see, I think I like the blue background better. But would really like to have the background color as a user selectable option. Also don’t see how the Ancestor Colors look against the suggested backgrounds. I would also like to see an expansion of the Ancestor Color concept. I’d like to be able to apply more than one set of Ancestor Colors, e.g. be able to select and apply a different set of colors for my wife’s ancestors, another set for my second wife’s ancestors, and possibly others. I would also really like to have many more tags. Thanks.

  • SL
    Stuart L Harvey

    I figured a new version was about to appear, as the smaller upgrades seemed to have stopped! And I have enjoyed my DeLuxe Version 7 so much over the past several years, that I don’t mind paying (a reasonable amount!!!) for the new V.8. You deserve it, because I know it will be worth what you ask me to pay!

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    John – yes, Legacy 8 will be FamilySearch FamilyTree certified.

  • BV
    Bonita Voigt

    I voted for the Vintage design. I’ve got “vintage” eyes and this design is much easier on them.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Peter – yes, colors will still be customizable. Although I haven’t thought of the Pocket Genealogist compatibility, I’m certain they would be working on it to keep it updated.

  • PM
    Peter McNaughton

    I’m in the same camp as Anna Franklin, will you still be able to customise colours and will the program interface with Pocket Genealogist still exist?

  • JG
    Jean Gobel

    I voted for blue, because I prefer lines defined, but would like the background lighter than that shown. Actually the vintage coloring would be great IF it had defined lines.

  • JC
    John Cate

    With new FamilySearch going away at the end of June 2013 – will the new Legacy v8 be FamilySearch certified?

  • EJ
    Elisabeth Johnson

    Updates have been free but major upgraded version numbers have been charged, but it’s well worth it. I switched from Family treemaker years ago because every six months you had to buy an update.

  • JG
    Joe Garcia

    I like the Blue Background the best.

  • CM
    Chris Morry

    I’m sure you have reasons for making a major upgrade but frankly I see nothing wrong with the programme as it is.

  • DH
    Diane H.

    I sincerely hope that we will continue to have CHOICES of how our screen looks. I love to fiddle with the background behind the boxes and change colors frequently. PLEASE don’t make our choices for us. DON’T like the vintage view at all. Sometimes change isn’t always good.
    Maybe I just won’t upgrade.

  • NL
    Nancy Liddell

    I personally like the blue colored back ground. I did like the suggestion let each person enjoying genealogy as much as I do, pick the color that they prefer. Everyone’s eyes see different shades, example: color blind people.
    Nancy Liddell

  • C

    Leila, in your response to Diane regarding the lines, there are no lines in either the blue or the vintage Family views. The children have separated blue blocks, but there are no lines. The lines do very much improve readability. That’s why many tab settings allow dotted or other type lines between tabs. Especially when you have poor vision, lines are INVALUABLE.

  • H

    I agree with Bill309 an Avon Schwab when i got legacy 7.5 it read all updates were free. And if legacy going to do Geni did there life members when they merge with my Heritage then i think i will stop useing legacy also.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Pat – Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Actually, “upgrades” have never been free but we do release minor “updates” which have always been free. Major upgrades include going from a numbered version (like version 7) to a new numbered version (like version 8). Version 8 won’t require anyone to relearn it, rather there will be new features that you may take advantage of if you would like.

  • PM
    pat miller

    that stinks if we have to buy the upgrade, upgrades have Always been free, i should like to ask a question, why do things have to Always change, you learn it one way and then you have to relearn it all over again, i vote for a free upgrade to all deluxe customers

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Jason – we are turning in our FamilySearch software to FamilySearch this week for its certification application.

  • JM
    Jack Marriot

    The Vintage design seems easier for me to read and would definitely prefer to keep the lines in all views. I like the new pedigree view. Legacy is a fantastic program!

  • K

    I like the vintage, but agree that we should be able to choose other color schemes (as you can now). Please don’t change the interface so much that we have to relearn the software (see FS and all their [daily] changes – arrgh!).
    I’ve used Legacy Deluxe for years, ever since I started doing genealogy on the computer, and I own all the add-ons – don’t penalize us “old users” by making us pay full price (actually free would be better for those of us who’ve been customers forever).
    Y’all are absolutely the best – software, customer support, webinars, add-ons – you name it!

  • KC
    Klee C. Dobra

    Vintage gets my vote, but I have always liked the Legacy feature allowing one to select his/her own color schemes, hope that option remains. I’m anxious to see what the “big” changes could be because I’ve always thought Legacy had it all. This is the software I gave up TMG for and I’ve been using it since version 5.
    Version 7 has basically, with a little help from me, written and published two books. I don’t see how it can get anybetter, but I’m eager to find out!

  • DG
    Darlene Garner

    Like the vintage better – seems easier on the eyes.

  • WB
    William Boswell

    I agree with the others. The vintage look is easier on the eyes, but the blue looks kind of nice.

  • A

    I would prefer to select my own colors. Would love to see some more.

  • AF
    Anna Franklin

    I like the blue background as it allows the contrast to be sharper for these older eyes. How about having a choice between the blue and vintage backgrounds please?

  • EH
    E. Hansen

    The problem with the blue idea is that it is the same as most “select” efforts. Won’t this cause confusion for some of us with “mature” eyesight?

  • C

    OH, dear, against the grain again, I like the blues. I agree tho, make it so we can choose on the fly, or as our moods change.

  • BB
    Bob Bogash

    Why do I have to pick between schemes? The current software allows me to conjure up any scheme I want.
    Ribbons are for Microsoft – most people – myself included – revolted at the change. Altho I have MS Office products on my machines, I usually use “traditional” software that doesn’t require me to relearn how the read and write.
    Oh! I know – it’s so “stylish”…….

  • F

    I’m going to be different, I’m voting for “blue”. It’s easier to see for me. I think it’s clearer. Love the program.

  • AS
    Avon Schwab

    Legacy is the best, keep me informed please
    I like the vintage look but the options appeal to me for sharing with others.

  • NS
    Nancy Scott

    I like the Vintage best also.

  • JM
    Joe Meinkoth

    I think the new upgrade should be free to all those who purchased the Deluxe edition. You have always given us free updates before so please do not charge for Legacy 8 upgrade.
    Thank you all for your efforts. You are the best.

  • A

    I’m hoping to see a version of Legacy that can work with the touch screen in Windows 8

  • B

    Thanks for continuing to improve the product and for giving the premium users a benefit.

  • RH
    Robert Hobbs

    I noticed that part of “Clean up” involved removing the quick access to the Tags.

  • FB
    Father Bob

    I like the vintage–it seems almost every software package now comes in “basic blue” as the default…and sometimes only choice!

  • NC
    Nancyanne C

    Like both, but I think when doing hours of research the Vintage will be better. Also what is the 1/2 sign before Norman’s name?

  • MR
    Mary Roberts

    I like Vintage best.

  • BJ
    Bob Jennings

    I hope that there will be a simpler way to sort children into age as not everyone gathers the data for the children in date of birth – just a little quirk, but anything to make life a little easier.

  • C

    I vote for Vintage, too. I agree with Laura .. it IS easier on the eyes.

  • JH
    Jason Hyer

    The big question I have is will it be Family Search certified with the Family Tree? is shutting down at the end of June and there will be no connection to family search after that. Anxiously awaiting news on when it will be certified but willing to jump ship if it doesn’t happen soon or at least we don’t get word when it is happening.

  • LK
    Linda Kleback

    I like the Vintage colors the best.

  • SM
    Sue Melton

    I love Legacy and have actually encouraged many of my students to get it. It is (in my opinion) the best software, especially for beginning genealogists. I am looking forward to the newest version.

  • JB
    John Bernacki

    I like the Blues colour scheme. It is not as bright and would be less likely to cause eye strain, to which I am susceptible.

  • SI
    Sandy Inklebarger

    I like the vintage color scheme, it is easier on the eyes.

  • L

    Really like the new look! Looking forward to the new update! I like the Vintage color scheme better, but it would be nice to be able to switch.

  • P

    Vintage color design is easier for older eyes to see,

  • IL
    Ian Latham

    ‘Blues’ colour scheme is horrible. Very hard on eyes with such a dark background. Please keep ‘Vintage’ or other pale background colour. Use colour for highlighting icons and different data values. We want to concentrate on the data, not be overwhelmed with bold background colours. Remember the KISS rule, Keep It Simple S…
    PS I couldn’t connect to surveymonkey to vote with either Firefox or Explorer.

  • R

    I prefer the blue with the color gradient but without the shadow effect in the family view. To my eyes that seems to make it too much of a “busy” appearance.

  • SS
    Sherri Sontag

    Vintage is easier to enter for us old peeps…

  • BW
    Barbara Weed

    I like both color scheams, but hope other color changes will be avaiable.

  • MS
    Michele Simmons Lewis

    Thanks for the preview, Geoff! I am looking forward to your upcoming posts. I like the Vintage color scheme better.

  • B

    I think I like the Vintage design the most. Hope that stays as an option.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Diane – the smaller “updates” have always been free and the large “upgrades” (going to a new numbered version like v7 to v8) have always had discounted pricing for existing Deluxe customers.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Laila – all those lines are optional. Notice in the Blues design above they are there. In the Vintage design they are not. You’re still able to have them or not.

  • LC
    Laila Christiansen

    Please dont take away the lines in the persons view. (between name, birth, christening, death, burial , and also between the children – my eye sight is terrible, and I need the lines to keep the full overview!
    Other than that? I am looking forward to the new mondern look!

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