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Legacy Family Tree receives Tree Share Certification from FamilySearch

Legacy Family Tree receives Tree Share Certification from FamilySearch

Fs We are pleased to announce that our Legacy Family Tree software has received "Tree Share" certification from FamilySearch, and is now the only genealogy software to be both FamilySearch Family Tree certified and include built-in Research Guidance to help researchers continue their efforts even beyond FamilySearch.

What is FamilySearch Family Tree?

FamilySearch Family Tree is the latest offering from FamilySearch which helps researchers to publish and share their genealogical findings and collaborate with others. It is free and available to everyone. Watch our recent "What's New in FamilySearch" webinar here.

Legacy Family Tree makes the experience of working with FamilySearch Family Tree easier by letting you share information back and forth between the two (completely optional). For LDS users, Legacy adds the ability to more easily keep track of the additional information and ordinance reservation.

What is Legacy's Research Guidance?

When you have exhausted the resources of FamilySearch, Legacy's built-in Research Guidance takes you to the next step. It analyzes what is already known about your ancestor, and then builds a prioritized custom To Do List for you. It suggests the best records to help you solve your research problems, explains what you would expect in the new records, and points you to the right repository or website. Many of the suggestions even provide the specific call number at the Family History Library. For more information, watch the Research Guidance section of the Legacy for Beginners video here.

How do I get started with Legacy's FamilySearch tools?

6-25-2013 10-03-04 AM If all goes as planned, we should have a new update (free) for you to download by the end of the month. After installing the update, look for the FamilySearch button in your main toolbar. If it is not there after installing the next update, go to Options > General tab > FamilySearch to turn it on.

What's Coming?

This next update will be the first to permit the exchange of information (names, dates, places, events) between Legacy and FamilySearch Family Tree. Future updates will permit the exchange of additional data such as notes, sources, and pictures.

Comments (11)

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  • AW
    Adriana Weber

    I used PAF and was instruted to ask for another software, but I’d like to have this in Portuguese. Are you planning to deliver this version this year?

  • DJ
    Dana Johnson

    Yea!!! Can I get a figurative AMEN!!! Thanks.

  • JH
    Jason Hyer

    This is definitely good news. Now I will be able to really use Legacy again for my research. I’ve missed the ability to share between Legacy and the family tree especially since there is so much more you can do I with the family tree than could be done with new family search. And even better, I don’t have to go find a program that will sync.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Ron – no, nothing will be automatically shared. The only information that gets shared is that for which you intentionally press the upload button.

  • RF
    Ron Fisher

    If I access FamilySearch Tree share to compare my Legacy files to what is in FamilySearch. Will my data then be transferred without my OK? Will PRIVATE data and LIVING data be transferred.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Hanna – if you want to take advantage of the new Family Tree sync features in Legacy 7.5, then you would want to install the next free update.

  • HV
    Hanna Vermaas

    If I have Legacy 7.5 Deluxe, and you are going to update it by the end of the month, why would I need to download Legacy Family Tree?

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    John, Legacy 8 is still scheduled to be released this year. Keep watching for the “Legacy 8 Revealed” articles on this blog.

  • JL
    John Larsen

    When will we be able to get Legacy 8?

  • DZ
    Dave Zenger

    Could you clarify if this makes the software open to all Legacy users or will it still be restricted to LDS members, as it currently is?

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