Legacy Family Tree's color coding tools are one of the reasons genealogists love Legacy. And in the upcoming Legacy 8, it gets even better!
Legacy's color-coding, developed by Accredited Genealogist and popular webinar speaker, Mary E. V. Hill, was implemented to help researchers organize both 1) what they see on the screen AND 2) their paper files more efficiently. In the pedigree view bleow, notice that my tree is divided into four colors:
- Grandfather's lineage on father's side: BLUE
- Grandmother's lineage on father's side: GREEN
- Grandfather's lineage on mother's side: RED
- Grandmother's lineage on mother's side: YELLOW
While navigating my pedigree, if I am viewing someone who has been color-coded as yellow, I immediately recognize that they are part of my maternal grandmother's line.
These colors are also available for your printed pedigree charts:
and family group records:
and even wall charts:
These colors go hand-in-hand with Mary's filing system, where your paper files correspond to the colors in Legacy. Here's a image from Mary's webinar:
One of the frequent requests concerning this color coding system is to be able to color code both your pedigree AND your spouse's pedigree.
New in 8! Multiple starting points
You've asked. We've listened and responded. And we even have Mary's blessing. When I previewed this to her, she responded by saying "Wow! I really like it! It is awesome to see that you did the 4 colors for your ancestors and four for your wife's lines!!!"
Here's what it looks like in Legacy 7 with only my pedigree colored. Notice my wife's side is not colorful:
Legacy 8 lets you have two starting points.
By default, the second group's colors are a darker version of the same colors, but you can adjust the colors to anything you want. Choose them on this screen:
Oh yes, and the new v8 pedigree view displays the ancestors' pictures too. Cool!
New! Color-code 8 great-grandparents' lines
Also new in Legacy 8, if you have the need to divide your tree into more groups than just the four grandparents' lines, you can track the eight great-grandparents lines with eight different colors.
Just select this option:
When ancestors intermarry
The further back in time you go, the more likely your ancestors will intermarry and the colors will "blend." Legacy 8 makes it easier to see these relationships. From the colors below, I can see that my paternal grandfather's pedigree (blue) marries into my maternal grandmother's pedigree (light yellow) and then mixes with my wife's maternal grandmother's pedigree (dark yellow). At last I have a reason for why my kids are the way they are! (Just kidding, I love my kids…)
Set Ancestor Colors option
Enable color coding from the Tools tabs:
So what do you think? Do you already use color coding? How will these new options help?
Legacy Family Tree – Unlocked!
See Legacy 8 in action with the new Legacy Family Tree – Unlocked! book by Geoff Rasmussen (that's me)! Get the PDF edition free when you purchase the 236 page paperback. Click here for more information or to purchase.
What are the other new features of Legacy 8?
Here are links to the articles I've previously written:
Legacy Family Tree 8 Revealed – Q/A, new Tagging options, and other surprises
Legacy Family Tree 8 Revealed – Migration Mapping
Legacy Family Tree 8 Revealed – Instant Duplicate Checking
Legacy Family Tree 8 Revealed – Shared Events and Automated Sorting
Legacy Family Tree 8 Revealed – Potential Problem Alerts and "Gaps of Unusual Size"
Legacy Family Tree 8 Revealed – Sources
Legacy Family Tree 8 Revealed - Origins and Migration Reports
Legacy Family Tree 8 Revealed – New Wall Charts and options
When will Legacy 8 be released?
There's still more than one truthful answer to this:
- I'm not really sure, but probably before the end of the year, and hopefully way before then
- When it has been thoroughly tested by our development team and beta testers
But if you are considering downloading either the free or deluxe editions of Legacy, don't wait! Any purchases of Legacy 7.5 from May 8, 2013 forward will receive the new Legacy 8 at no charge. And as always, anyone who has purchased Legacy Deluxe previously will qualify for special discounted upgrade pricing. Get started today – you won't have to relearn everything when Legacy 8 is ready, but you'll get some really nice new features when it is.
I’m so glad about the color coding for intermarriages between parents lines as mine have done that at lease a dozen times in the 1600s and 1700s.