You've heard of the Genealogy Happy Dance, and hopefully you've experienced one or two recently. This weekend while researching at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, I discovered a new dance – the Legacy 8 Happy Dance! Let me explain….
I've been researching William Henry BROWN's family. I even did a Watch Geoff Live webinar about adding his death certificate to Legacy. In many of his records I've located him as W. H. Brown with his wife Lillian. This weekend I located another record of W. H. Brown, but this time with a different wife, Stella.
My first assumption was that William remarried, but then I located another document which listed the names as Wilbert Henry Brown and Stella. So, it's probable that I have two different W. H. Browns living in the same area at the same time. A third document proved this when Wilbert and Stella were the witnesses to William and Lillian's marriage. Are you following all of this? 🙂
To make it easier for me to keep track of the newly-found Wilbert Henry Brown, I opened Legacy 8 and began to add him to his own tree (not linked to anyone in my current tree) by clicking on the Add tab, and then clicking on Add Male.
I next added Wilbert's name:
After clicking Save, this screen appeared:
Unbeknowst to me at the time, I already had a Wilbert H. Brown in my family file! He wasn't married to a Stella, but his Research Notes indicated that he was probably married twice. Looking closer at his Chronology View, he was living in the same area as the other William and Wilbert that I was researching.
This is where the Legacy 8 Happy Dance came in! I would not have easily made the connection about the newly-found Wilbert Henry Brown possibly already being in my family file without Legacy 8's brand new Possible Duplicate feature! As I sat at the microfilm reader Thursday morning, I couldn't help but feel proud for having been part of the development of such a great new feature.
Still thinking about upgrading to Legacy 8? Click here for the quick video and list of what's new. Already have Legacy 8? Click here to purchase my brand new Legacy Family Tree – Unlocked! book.
Version 8 is even better than I expected. Fantastic new features.