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Legacy Family Tree 8 on your phone or tablet

Legacy Family Tree 8 on your phone or tablet

FAM-2 Having my genealogy with me everywhere I go is so cool! Thanks to the Families app by Telgen, my Legacy Family Tree family files are available on my smart phone and tablet. It gives me access to my data, my pictures, and even my To Do List! Learn all about it here.

Families 2.0 is now available which adds compatibility with our new Legacy 8 software. If you already have Families installed, you just need to update it to the latest edition (free) via iTunes (for iPhones or iPads) or Google Play (for Android phones or tablets – this is what I use). You'll also need to update the free Families Sync software here.

Watch the webinar

Malcolm Green, the developer of Families and a fellow Legacy Family Tree user, presented a webinar on setting up and using Families. Watch it here.

Comments (20)

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  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Carla – yes, you may use multiple files. You don’t need to combine them into one file for the app.

  • C

    I use different files for different families. Can the app use more than one file at a time or must I combine all into one file to use the app?

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Howard – no.

  • HC
    Howard Curran

    I have it on my Android phone, and it is very helpful when away from the home computer. I just got a Samsung tablet for Christmas, that would be much easier to view than the phone. Do I have to pay for another installation?

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Valeria – through the Families app and its Families Sync software.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Bert – yes, that is correct.

  • EH
    Ellwood Howard

    Margaret, the charge is currently $14.99 and it is worth it. Make sure you also install the sync app on your computer…not your phone or tablet. The url to get the Families sync app is

  • VB
    Valeria B Lawrence

    How do you load legacy on a kindle? How do i load my files and pics on the kindle from a pc?

  • B

    We use Legacy on our desk computer. Some time ago I purchased Families for my ipod touch; it’s great! and I enjoy using it! However, for Christmas my wife got an Android tablet and wants our family Legacy data on her tablet. I believe that I am correct when I told her that the Apple Families program and the Android Families program are two separate and distinct programs. Consequently she would need to buy a separate additional program for her Android tablet. Correct? We thoroughly enjoy Legacy.

  • PH
    Pat Henderson

    I have used Families on my Nook Color for several years. It is great!!

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Katie – I’m uncertain, although if the Nook is based on the Android operating system (which I think it is) it should work.

  • KK
    Katie Krueger

    Will Families work on Barnes and Noble Nook?

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Patricia – no, you don’t have to be online to view the files. My 23,000+ family file does not take up much room, although I haven’t checked lately to see the exact size.

  • PA
    Patricia Adam

    Do I have to be online to see my Legacy Files on my Ipad?
    If not do the Legacy Files (almost 5000) people take up a lot of the memory?

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Margaret – yes, there is a small charge, but if you installed Families 1.0, there is no charge to upgrade to 2.0 which adds compatibility with Legacy 8.

  • MK
    Margaret Kamigaki

    Is there a charge for “Families” or is there a fee?

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Eric – I’m not aware of anyone developing genealogy software apps for Windows 8 phones. Pocket Genealogist used to develop for Windows phones.

  • EG
    Eric G.

    When will the Windows Phone 8 or Windows Tablet 8 versions ship?

  • LJ
    Larry J Smith

    This app is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Highly recommended. I’m using the Kindle Fire HD 8.9

  • EK
    ELizabeth Kohler

    I have used Families on my Apple Ipod since the program was advertised and have been so impressed with its ease and flexibility. Now I have Families on my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 android tablet and it is even more awesome, especially with Legacy8.

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