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Legacy Family Tree – Unlocked! book comments

Legacy Family Tree – Unlocked! book comments

It's been fun to hear of your comments and experiences as a result of my recently-published Legacy Family Tree – Unlocked! book. I particularly enjoyed this email from Paula this morning:

I attended your wonderful seminar in Sacramento, Ca on 5 Apr 2014. I ordered a Legacy Family Tree program (they'd run out by the time I got to the table) and picked up the Unlocked book. Since I didn't have the program, I decided to read through the book to familiarize myself with it. I usually have a hard time with step-by-step books but I must admit this one is excellent. Writing out your thought processes and keeping the nonproductive search helps too. It helps to know that when I can't find someting, it isn't necessarily because I did the search wrong.

I have visions of timelines, complete sources, and handy-dandy to do lists all at my fingertips! I can't wait to get the program and begin.

B_8UNLOCPO-2T Thanks Paula! If you haven't yet reviewed the book, the entire chapter on census records is available in the free preview here. Order the printed book, and the PDF edition will be emailed to you for free. The success of the book would be nothing without the success of Legacy Family Tree 8 – sure am glad I stumbled across Legacy nearly 15 years ago!!

Other comments from readers:

  • "Great book, thank you. It is so nice to read a ‘manual’ sort of thing that is combined with a great story, lots of lessons, and lots of grins/laugh-out-loud’s – thanks for including so much of your brilliant sense of humour. No wonder I couldn’t put it down!" – Anne
  • "I finished reading your latest book yesterday. You have done a great job – again – it is going to be my go-to book for sure." – Marian

  • "I have been using Legacy Family Tree for at least six years and yet it seems I have not even touched the surface as far as the potential of this powerful programme. This became apparent as I read your book. Having cruised with you in 2008 and 2009 I was familiar with the ease with which you teach new concepts. You have used this same style in LFT Unlocked so well that I could just picture you in front of me using your computer as a projector to illustrate where you were going. And the humour …. priceless! I have always been in the dark when it came to quoting sources and you have made me more comfortable with this procedure although I haven’t ventured there yet. I have sourced facts but not as well as you have shown." – John
  • "Your new book has made it so easy. A big thank you for putting these instructions in book form. I am recommending this book to all my genealogy friends." – Cheryl
  • "Congratulations, a great, easy to follow manual. I just love your informal, hands on approach." – Philip
  • "Thank you Geoff so much for your book "Legacy unlocked". I am learning so much from it, especially ways of being more systematic in entering my data, and the value of the chronology. I can see that adopting your steps may help me break through some of my brick walls. You explain things so clearly it helps me make the most of Legacy's features and your webinars are great too." – Susan
  • "I have finished reading the electronic copy of Legacy Family Tree – Unlocked. Great work. Following along as an expert "does it" is a much easier way to learn than the typical instruction manual type presentation. Having both together is a great advantage as no specific demonstration can go into all of the detailed functions described in a good user manual." – Randy
  • "Legacy Family Tree – Unlocked came today, and I can hardly put it down. It makes me realize how much time and effort I have wasted over the years. Thank you for writing this book. I love the fact that it is informal and easy to understand." – Karen
  • "I love the way that the Geoff Live webinars and book are intuitive (and sometimes point out the not so obvious)." – Deb
  • "I ordered your new book the minute I read about it yesterday and got the ebook last night. I have read as much as I could this morning and LOVE it!!!! Everyone is going to be so pleased to have this at their fingertips when the Legacy 8 comes out. Now I can prepare ahead of time." – Janet
  • I have learned a lot from reading your step by step guides. And I have now sent myself the following (amongst others) reminders –
    • Make full use of the chronology view. It is an invaluable tool for helping with research.
    • Use the source clipboard more efficiently now you have seen it in action. (And save time too).
    • Add images to facts/events as well as to their sources. (I had only attached to the source but now see the advantage of adding twice).
    • When an event/fact has been recorded, immediately set up a to-do item to follow up new or unanswered research questions. (I always ask myself three questions when I start data entry for any document 1. What does this tell me? 2. What does this not tell me? 3. Where can I find more information? Plus, of course, is this a primary or secondary source?)
    • Add a source to the parent's name(s), using the parent button on the individual information box.
    • Make full use of useful tools like the soundex feature, date calculator etc.
    • Use the county date checker for historical accuracy.
    • Think about when I would use shared events.
    • Finally – buy Legacy V8 when it becomes available – after all it is the best genealogy software.
    • I loved the ending of the book when you described the visit to the cemetery. Visiting ancestral graves, old family homes, churches ancestors were married in etc is a favourite part of my research. – Anne
  • Could not put it down. Very informative book and can't wait for Legacy version 8. – Karen
  • Whoohoo, Geoff! This looks like your greatest idea yet! – Susan
  • I have so many new ideas of how to organize my data and use the various features of Legacy that up to now I have only haphazardly used. AND I am so excited about the new release. – Paula
  • Great job as always on making things simple to follow. – Rick
  • Your book and the way you proceed step-by-step is very helpful. I am working my way through the PDF and duplicating each step in Legacy Family Tree. – Jim
  • Great piece of work. Didn't realize how important sourcing is to quality genealogy. Now I have a cookbook for getting it right. – Terry

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