Do you have Ohio ancestors? Not sure where to look for land records or whether your ancestor received a bounty land grant? Need help researching wills and estates or other types of court records? Family Tree Webinars is pleased to announce a new series of educational genealogy webinars covering Ohio genealogy in-depth.
In an unprecedented move Legacy Family Tree Webinars is releasing seven brand new webinars on Ohio to help genealogists researching their Ohio roots. In combination with the overview webinar, Researching Your Ohio Ancestors, already in the library, Legacy now has a total of eight Ohio-specific webinars. This provides the most comprehensive on-demand Ohio genealogical education in digital format.
The webinars start with an overview of settlement in Ohio, continue on with the Great Land Experiment and then dig into detail with individual webinars on probate court, early wills and estates, courthouse records, the Recorder's office and the Common Pleas Court.
Webinar subscribers can choose from these new topics:
- America's Expansion: The Ohio Country 1783-1812
- Ohio: The Great Land Experiment
- Ohio's Probate Court
- Early Ohio Wills and Estates
- Unusual Ohio Courthouse Records
- Ohio's Recorders' Office
- Ohio's Common Pleas Court
If you are new to Ohio research be sure to also check out Researching Your Ohio Ancestors in the Legacy Webinar library.
Watch the Webinars!
America's Expansion: The Ohio Country 1783-1812
Ohio: The Great Land Experiment
Ohio's Probate Court
Early Ohio Wills and Estates
Unusual Ohio Courthouse Records
Ohio's Recorders' Office
Ohio's Common Pleas Court
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