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Tuesday’s Tip – Media Folders

Tuesday’s Tip – Media Folders

  TT - Media Folders

Tuesday's Tips provide brief how-to's to help you learn to use the Legacy Family Tree software with new tricks and techniques.

Media Folders

If you would like to see where all your linked media is go to VIEW > MASTER LISTS > MEDIA FOLDER LIST. If you see [Default Media Folder] that means the media is inside whatever folder you have specified in OPTIONS > CUSTOMIZE > LOCATIONS, Option 6.2. Notice that this option is file specific (ff) so you can designate different main folders for different family files if you wish.

Viewing the Media Folder List is a great way to see if you have links to media scattered on your hard drive. You don't have to use the Legacy default media folder but it is a good idea to have all your media in a single folder (subfolders inside this main folder is just fine). A lot of people have their media folder directly on their C: drive (C:\Genealogy Pictures, for example). I keep mine in the default Media folder (Documents\Legacy Family Tree\Media) but I use a system of subfolders inside. Keeping them all within a single main folder keeps things organized and easy to find and it also helps when you backup your media files. It will be a lot easier to restore that backup if your media is in one main file.



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Michele Simmons Lewis is part of the technical support team at Millennia, the makers of the Legacy Family Tree software program. With over 20 years of research experience, Michele’s passion is helping new genealogists get started on the right foot through her writings, classes and lectures. She is the former staff genealogist and weekly columnist for the McDuffie Mirror and now authors Ancestoring, a blog geared toward the beginner/intermediate researcher.



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  • M

    You can keep your media files wherever you want you you don’t have to copy them to the default media folder. To keep from getting the message asking you if you want to copy them to the default folder all you have to do is go to OPTIONS > CUSTOMIZE > LOCATIONS. In Option 6.2 tell Legacy where YOUR default folder your media is. It is perfectly okay to have subfolders, just tell Legacy what the main folder is. Passage Express will allow you to import your media from whatever folder you choose.

  • A

    I find the whole Legacy media storage system and interface very cumbersome and confusing.
    (I like to store my photos in name and/or place-specific folders and don’t like the redundancy of copying them to the Media folder. But when using Passage Express, I believe the program relies on the Legacy media folder to collect photos?

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