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How to import Family Tree Maker into Legacy PLUS your questions answered

How to import Family Tree Maker into Legacy PLUS your questions answered

Yesterday's announcement of the discontinuation of Family Tree Maker has seemed to rock the genealogy world, and thousands have now downloaded Legacy Family Tree as a result. You've also sent in a number of great questions to our Facebook group and support email. Below are some answers to the most commonly-asked questions.

How do I import my FTM file into Legacy?

It's just a 2-step process – export and import. Click here for the free guide or click here to watch the 90 second video. Everything including your names, dates, places, notes, sources, and even your pictures if you're using a newer version of FTM (2012 or later) import into Legacy.

Can I import my Ancestry tree into Legacy?

Yep. At, go to Trees > Create & Manage Trees > Manage Tree > Export Tree. This will create a GEDCOM file that can then be imported into Legacy using the import steps as listed in the free guide. However, pictures will not be included. The work-around is to use your FTM software to sync with your Ancestry tree, then follow import/export steps.

Do you have video showing an overview of Legacy? I just want to see more of what it can do.

Yes. Here's a few of them.

I prefer to have the full name of the month used for the facts. Is there a way to use the full name of the month instead of the abbreviation?

You bet. In Legacy, go to Options > Customize > Dates and change the Month Format setting to "Full Month Name"


Can I import my PAF 5 file into Legacy?

Certainly. Here's how:


Does Legacy Sync with Ancestry or FamilySearch?

Ancestry – No. We'd love to sync with an Ancestry tree. If you, too, would like this functionality, please write to and let them know.

FamilySearch – Yes. Here's a class that shows you everything you'd want to know about it.

What is the difference between the standard and deluxe versions?

Millions have download the free, standard edition. Hundreds of thousands are using it – it's that good. The deluxe edition adds more than 100 additional bells and whistles. Click here to compare the two. Legacy's Help File contains the complete list.

Will Legacy work on a Mac?

While it is not specifically designed for the Mac, thousands are using it and loving it on their Mac! Legacy runs on newer Macs that have an Intel chip with Parallels, Virtual Box or Bootcamp installed along with Windows. Crossover doesn't work so well.

Other Questions?

The quickest place to get a question answered is on our Legacy Facebook Group. It's a community of more than 5,000 Legacy users and prospective users, and a great place to ask a question, share a tip, or just lurk.

Of course you can always email us at also.

And we've got lots and lots of free videos, tutorials, and entire webinars at

  • mac

Comments (10)

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  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Bruce – yes, you can use the “Compare Two Files” option on the Tools menu.

  • BR
    Bruce Rahlf

    Can two trees be compared to see who is missing or duplicated?

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Becky – yes, Legacy works fine with Windows 10.

  • VM
    Vera Moore

    Thanks for the quick reply Geoff!! I look forward to giving Legacy a go 🙂

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    Vera – when you switch from Legacy Standard to Legacy Deluxe, all you are doing is entering a special code. This will unlock the deluxe features. All of your data is still there.

  • VM
    Vera Moore

    If I download the free version for now (switching from FTM2014), but wish to upgrade to Legacy Deluxe when and If I decide it’s for me, how does that work? Will my imported gedcom file make the transition from standard to deluxe. including sources and media?

  • B

    Will the Legacy program work with WIN 10? I bought FTM 2014 and when I got a new PC with WIN 8.1 it never worked again. I have all my info now in FTM 2006.

  • GR
    Geoff Rasmussen

    tonip – yes, if your FTM is 2012 or later.

  • T

    If I use my FTM software for the GEDcom it will include the pictures? or there’s just no way to include them? I really want the pictures with the person they are for. To do it over manually for each person will take forever!

  • L

    Makes me glad i changed to Legacy several years ago! I hope you are able to keep supporting a version that will keep working on Win XP

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