Discover the wonderful world of ephemera (records designed for short term use – such as diaries, postcards, letters and newspaper articles) for genealogy research. In this BONUS webinar, learn how these records enhance our understanding of ancestors in the context of time and place.
We're working hard to give our webinar subscribers the educational classes they need to maximize their genealogical research! This new class is a bonus webinar in the webinar library. The webinar previews are always free.
Sharon is also the author of the Legacy QuickGuide, Ephemera: Genealogy Gold.
Legacy Family Tree Webinars provides genealogy education where-you-are through live and recorded online webinars and videos. Learn from the best instructors in genealogy including Thomas MacEntee, Judy Russell, J. Mark Lowe, Lisa Louise Cooke, Megan Smolenyak, Tom Jones, and many more. Learn at your convenience. On-demand classes are available 24 hours a day! All you need is a computer or mobile device with an Internet connection.
Subscribe today and get access to this BONUS members-only webinar AND all of this:
- All 345 classes in the library (497 hours of quality genealogy education)
- 1,494 pages of instructors' handouts
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- Chance for a bonus subscribers-only door prize during each live webinar
- Additional members-only webinars
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Look at our lineup of speakers for 2016! All live webinars are free to watch.
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