"With over 2.5 million people in the possession of a DNA test, and most with match lists in the thousands, many are wondering how to keep track of all this data and apply it to their family history."
My thoughts exactly Diahan Southard. That is how she introduced one of her two brand new Quick Reference PDF guides. Having now tested myself, my father, my father-in-law, two grandfathers, and one grandmother, I'm starting to feel a little overwhelmed both with my match lists and with knowing how to effectively take the next step. That's why I'm excited for these two new guides.
- Centralize their point of contact with their matches from multiple testing companies
- Familiarize them with Google Forms for tracking information, including providing a link to a free bonus form template
- Provide a brief overview of how to use the power of Google Earth in their genetic genealogy
- Provide an introduction to spreadsheets
- Review valuable third party tools and their contributions to the organizing effort
4 pages | PDF edition
- How to leverage the power of known relatives who have tested
- Gain a basic understanding of chromosome browsers and their role in the search process
- Access to a free bonus template for evaluating the genealogical relationship of a match in relationship to the predicted genetic relationship
- A methodology for converting the unknown relatives on the match list into known relatives
- 17 webinars in the library at http://familytreewebinars.com/dna
- All 10 of Diahan Southard's Quick Reference guides
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