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Legacy Tip: How do I enter adoptive parents?

Legacy Tip: How do I enter adoptive parents?

When a child has been adopted he/she has two sets of parents, the biological set and the adoptive set.  It is very easy to enter two sets of parents in Legacy and this will allow you to follow both lines.  This is especially important now with DNA evidence leading adoptees to their biological families. 

In the Family View, the second icon from the left under the person you are working with is the Parents' icon which will bring up the Parents List.

You will do everything else on this screen.

You can see that you can add new parents here and you can also link to existing parents if they are already in your database.  After you add your new found biological parents this is what you will see.

Now that you have your unknown parents you can click the Add Father and Add Mother to enter the information you have about them.  Now you have this.

You only have one more thing to do.  You need to designate which set of parents are the adoptive parents.

Notice that I can mark the relationship as Private or Invisible.  I could highlight Expresso Coffee and Peeka Book and change their status to Biological but leaving the field blank is the default for biological parents.  It is up to you if you want to designate them this way.  To change which set of parents is preferred, highlight the set you want to show as preferred and then click the Select button at the top right.  The preferred parents will automatically display when you are navigating in the Family View.  If you want to switch to the other set of parents, hover to the side of the parents names and a bar will appear.  Click that bar and then you can rotate through the parents.

Comments (8)

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  • M

    I downloaded a copyright free background image from the internet and used that as the background. I then started with the “Vintage” color scheme and then changed the colors and fonts and then saved the entire thing as my own color scheme. I change colors and backgrounds all the time 🙂 I am running Legacy 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8 beta and 9 beta on my computer and every one is set up differently. This is especially important for Legacy 8, and Legacy 8 beta because if I have them both open at the same time I can get really confused 🙂

  • RL
    Rita Lynn McKale

    I love the colors!!! What color scheme are you using?

  • M

    Can you tell I like Chocolate 🙂 🙂 🙂

  • B

    Love the naming and locations in the fictitious family example 🙂

  • M

    I will explain how I do it (other people may do it differently). If a family member takes a child in I don’t add a second set of parents. I simply write a note explaining the situation. This was very common in days gone by when a mother died and the father wasn’t able to care for the child(ren) or both parents died, family would take the kids. There was no formal adoption. I “might” add grandparents as a new set of parents IF it was a legal adoption but I probably wouldn’t because when you start running reports you are going to have an endless loop problem.

  • S

    How will this work if the child adopted is the grandchild of the adoptees? I have ended up putting in the grandparents as the adopted parents and adding a note to the child’s record saying who the parents are? Is there another way to do it?
    Thank you

  • M

    FSID = Family Search Identification Number

  • KV
    Karen Ver Wayne

    What is FS ID?

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