Legacy QuickGuidesTM have quickly become one of the more popular resources for genealogists. Each guide contains four (sometimes five, sometimes more) pages of valuable information covering a variety of genealogy research topics, dozens of clickable links, and are written by genealogists and family historians who are experts in the subject areas. We've added another new Legacy QuickGuide: Vertical Files: What Are They and How to Use Them by Melissa Barker. Now choose from 83 Legacy QuickGuides!
The Vertical Files: What Are They and How to Use Them Legacy QuickGuide™ contains useful information including a review of how to locate vertical files, how to access individual documents and use them in research and more. This handy 4-page PDF guide can be used on your computer or mobile device for anytime access.
Now choose from 82!
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United States – State Guides
- Alabama Genealogy
- Connecticut Genealogy
- Colorado Genealogy
- Florida Genealogy
- Georgia Genealogy
- Iowa Genealogy
- Kansas Genealogy
- Kentucky Genealogy
- Maine Genealogy
- Massachusetts Genealogy
- Minnesota Genealogy
- Montana Genealogy
- New Mexico Genealogy
- New Hampshire Genealogy
- New Jersey Genealogy
- New York Genealogy
- North Carolina Genealogy
- North Dakota Genealogy
- Ohio Genealogy
- Oklahoma Genealogy
- Pennsylvania Genealogy
- Rhode Island Genealogy
- South Carolina Genealogy
- South Dakota Genealogy
- Tennessee Genealogy
- Texas Genealogy
- Vermont Genealogy
- Virginia Genealogy
- Washington Genealogy
- West Virginia Genealogy
- Wisconsin Genealogy
- Wyoming Genealogy
United States – other Guides
- African-American Genealogy
- American Migration Patterns
- Quaker Genealogy
- Researching County Histories
- Researching War of 1812 Ancestors
- Researching Your U.S. Civil War Ancestors
- Understanding US Vital Records
- US City Directories
- U.S. Federal Non-population Census Records
- Using Probate Records
- Croatian Genealogy
- Czech Genealogy
- Deciphering Germanic Script: Common Words in Church Books
- Finnish Genealogy
- Germans from Russia
- Hungarian Genealogy
- Irish Genealogy
- Norwegian Genealogy
- Polish Genealogy
- Slovak Genealogy
- Swedish Genealogy
- Ukrainian Genealogy
- Anatomy of a Birth Record
- Anatomy of a Death Record
- Anatomy of a Marriage Record
- Cemetery Research
- Citing Your Sources
- Ephemera: Genealogy Gold
- Establishing Genealogical Proof
- Finding Your Female Ancestors
- Fraternal Societies
- Genealogy Clues in Quilts, Samplers, and Other Textiles
- It's Not All Online: Researching in Archives
- Lineage Societies and Genealogy
- Obituaries in Genealogy: A Research Tool
- Organizing and Digitizing Family Photos
- Preparing for a Successful Repository Research Trip
- Preserving Family Heirlooms
- Preserving Old Family Letters: Tips from an Archivist
- Researching in Libraries and Archives
- Researching the Family Legend
- Scrapbooks: A Genealogist's Gold Mine
- Starting a Family Archive
- Unraveling Brick Wall Mysteries
- Using Historical Newspapers for Genealogy Research
- Vertical Files: What Are They and How to Use Them
- Writing Your Family History
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