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Tuesday’s Tip – Using Secret Bars

Tuesday’s Tip – Using Secret Bars

  Tuesday's Tip - Using Secret Bars in Legacy Family Tree

Tuesday's Tips provide brief how-to's to help you learn to use the Legacy Family Tree software with new tricks and techniques.

Using Secret Bars

There are some "secret" popup bars on the Family View of Legacy Family Tree. If you put your mouse cursor over certain areas this secret bar will pop up and you can then click it and it will do something. Most people find the one that allows you to scroll through a person's marriages on their own but there are more. Below are screenshots of secret bars that may be new to you.

Look for the RED arrow below in each photo to identify the location of the secret bar.

1. Rotate through husband's Spouses

Rotate through Husband's Spouses

2. Rotate through wife's Spouses

Rotate through Wife's Spouses

3. Rotate through siblings of highlight person

Rotate through siblings of highlight person

 4. Move preferred child up to main position

Move preferred child up to main position

5. Rotate through other parents of husband

Rotate through other parents of husband

6. Rotate through other parents of wife

Rotate through other parents of wife


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Michele Simmons Lewis is part of the technical support team at Millennia, the makers of the Legacy Family Tree software program. With over 20 years of research experience, Michele’s passion is helping new genealogists get started on the right foot through her writings, classes and lectures. She is the former staff genealogist and weekly columnist for the McDuffie Mirror and now authors Ancestoring, a blog geared toward the beginner/intermediate researcher.



Comments (7)

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  • M

    Those numbers are “Tags.” I LOVE tagging! Go to Help > Help Index and type in Tag
    You will see several articles about tagging and all of the nifty things you can do with it 🙂

  • LN
    Louise Nickerson

    I found the secret buttons, but what are the nine numbered buttons at the top (same line as “husband” or “wife” for?

  • NC
    Natalie Chopey

    Oh my… and next thing you know we’ll be finding ‘hidden Mickeys’! Can’t wait! In the meantime I will be testing out these ‘golden nuggets’ for sure!

  • SA
    Shannon Agee

    Thank you Liz, I knew about the ones over on the side, I did not realize that was what the author meant in the article. The red arrows show in the white box so I thought this was a different hint.

  • LM
    Liz McCane

    Shannon Agee, I found the secret buttons in the gray shaded, vertical bars shown on the screenshots above. They’re not exactly where the red arrows are, but in the bars next to them. Hope that works for you.

  • M

    You simply hover your mouse pointer over the area and the bar will appear. Once you see the bar that is when you can click it.

  • SA
    Shannon Agee

    I tried to do this but it isn’t happening on my computer. I even made sure the latest version was downloaded and still nothing. What is the trick to making this work?

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