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New Bonus Webinar – Genetic Genealogy: Advanced

New Bonus Webinar – Genetic Genealogy: Advanced

New Bonus Webinar - Genetic Genealogy: Advanced by Diahan Southard

Are you ready to take the next step in exploring your autosomal DNA? If you've exhausted your analysis of shared matches and examining online trees then it's time to discover some advanced techniques. This presentation takes a look at tools such as chromosome browsers that will help propel your research forward. Come explore the possibilities!

We're working hard to give our webinar subscribers the educational classes they need to maximize their genealogical research! This new class is a bonus webinar for the webinar library. The webinar previews are always free.

Genetic Genealogy: Advanced

Autosomal DNA is a flexible, information-rich test that has most people left wondering what the next steps should be. We will briefly explore the more advanced tools and methodology behind the results at the major testing companies. We will talk in detail about phasing, centromeres, chromosome browsers, and the molecular clock. We will also explore external genetic genealogy websites with their vast array of additional analysis tools including: Gedmatch- a meeting ground for those tested at any of the three main companies, Gedmatch has a wide variety of tools available including chromosome browsers, admixture calculators, and a unique tool called Lazarus that can help you reconstruct the DNA profile of your ancestor. there are a variety of tools available here for helping you make connections with your genetic cousins. We will specifically explore the Autosomal DNA segment analyzer to understand its power in helping to navigate your results at Family Tree DNA. Promethease- For a small fee you can extract a limited amount of health information from an autosomal DNA test completed by any major DNA testing company. We will talk about the pros and cons of this kind of information and help you make an informed decision about obtaining health information from your genetic genealogy test results. Take your DNA test to the next level with these exciting genetic genealogy tools! 



About the Presenter


A microbiology graduate, Diahan Southard worked before and after graduation for the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation. Growing up with the budding genetic genealogy industry lead her to her current position as Your DNA Guide, where she provides personalized, interactive experiences to assist individuals and families in interpreting their genetic results in the context of their genealogical information. Diahan's lectures are always fun, upbeat, and full of energy. She has a passion for genetic genealogy, a genuine love for people, and a gift for making the technical understandable. 

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