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FREE DOWNLOAD: Disaster Planning for the Genealogist

FREE DOWNLOAD: Disaster Planning for the Genealogist

Thanks to Thomas MacEntee and Melissa Barker for this article and offer:

Disaster planning for genealogy

Given this past week’s events in Texas related to Hurricane Harvey, and as the storm makes its way through the American South this weekend, it is easy to feel helpless if you and your family are not directly impacted. In speaking with genealogy friends and colleagues, I don’t think there is any degree of separation from this disaster: we likely all know at least one person who has lost their home, their business and their possessions.

Besides contributing to various charities, gathering relief supplies and volunteering, here is something you can do for yourself: put together a disaster plan related to your genealogy and family history research.

Disaster planning guide Download this FREE GUIDE on Disaster Planning by Melissa Barker
Melissa Barker, aka The Archive Lady, knows all too well what can happen to important papers and artifacts as well as data when a disaster hits. Whether it is fire, flood or simply a computer failure, Melissa has created a guide at Legacy Family Tree entitled Disaster Planning for the Genealogist.

Through a special arrangement with our friends at Legacy Family Tree, Melissa wants to make sure that every genealogist has access to this important information. That is why Disaster Planning for the Genealogist is available as a FREE DOWNLOAD starting Thursday, August 31st through Sunday, September 3rd, 2017. Click HERE to get your PDF copy now!

Please take a minute not to just download the guide, but please read it and seriously consider what would happen if you lost treasured family heirlooms or research data related to your genealogy. You can at least minimize damage from various disasters, if not prevent such damage all together.

So this weekend as you keep others in Texas in your thoughts and prayers, take a minute to do your homework and put together a disaster plan for your genealogy.

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  • DM
    Denise Moss-Fritch (from tiny Elma, WA)

    As someone who has been through multiple ‘natural disasters’ I hope the people of Houston can recover as quickly as possible.
    Through the decades I’ve been through major earthquakes (such as 1987 – California), typhoons (late 1960s – Japan), blizzards (North Dakota and Germany), flooding (spring 1969 – North Dakota), excessively high winds (Western Washington), and more. I certainly understand the thoughts that one feels during each incident.
    Although perhaps the worst potential ‘disaster’ was moving my genealogical data around the world while serving in the US Army (1964-84). Thankfully, nothing was ever lost.
    Thanks for offering the “Disaster Planning for the Genealogist” guide.

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