Legacy has many reports and charts you can use to share data with other researchers or your family members but there are also some other ways.
You can upload a gedcom to one of the "tree" websites such as MyHeritage. You can see the instruction on how to create a gedcom HERE. Once you have created your gedcom you can follow the instructions HERE on how to upload to MyHeritage. If you are using one of the other tree sites they will have instructions available to you.
You can also create webpages in Legacy and then upload them to your own website. To be able to do this, you will need your own web space. If the hosting company does not have a way for you to upload your webpages then you will also need one of the free FTP clients. We use and recommend FileZilla. Legacy makes creating webpages easy. The screens and options work very similarly to creating reports. On the main toolbar click the Internet tab and you will see the different styles of webpages you can create.
You can see that the Web Page Creation screen looks similar to reports. You will find all of the options by selecting the different tabs at the top. Don't forget the Privacy Options button over on the right.
Legacy will do all of the work for you but if you are familiar with HTML you can easily edit the created pages in a text editor. You can read more about webpages by clicking the Help button on this screen.
There is one really nifty thing you can do with webpages that many users don't know. When you create your webpages all of the pages and images will be in a single file in the Documents\Legacy Family Tree\Web\ folder (or location of your choice). You can zip that folder and then send it to a family member. To zip it, right click the folder and select Send to > Compressed (Zipped) Folder. You can then send that zip file to your family. It might be too big to send by email so I recommend you park it on cloud storage such as OneDrive, Dropbox, or Google Drive and send your family a link to download it. After your family member downloads it to their hard drive all they have to do is find the Index.html (or Index.htm) file inside and double click to open it. It will open in their web browser. All of the hyperlinks are internal so they will work. They will be able to view it just like if it was a real webpage online.
Another way to share your data with someone is to send them a gedcom of your file. They will be able to open the gedcom in whichever genealogy program they use. However, most family members don't have a genealogy program. You can have them download the free Legacy Standard Edition and then instead of sending them a gedcom file you will send them a backup file. You can send them your data file only or you can send them your media backup as well. You can point them to these directions, Tips for Restoring Files and How to Restore Media Files.
Legacy gives you many different options to share your data with other researchers and with interested family members.
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Michele Simmons Lewis, CG® is part of the Legacy Family Tree team at MyHeritage. She handles the enhancement suggestions that come in from our users as well as writing for Legacy News. You can usually find her hanging out on the Legacy User Group Facebook page answering questions and posting tips.
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