Tuesday's Tips provide brief how-to's to help you learn to use the Legacy Family Tree software with new tricks and techniques.
Tuesday's Tip – Accessing FamilySearch (Beginner)
There are several different ways you can connect to FamilySearch through Legacy. Before you get started, make sure that you have FamilySearch turned on in your file. Go to Options > Customize > General Settings > Option 1.8 FamilySearch. Check the box to Integrate with FamilySearch.
#1 – The Ribbon
Go to Search > FamilySearch and that will bring up the main FamilySearch interface screen. Whoever is highlighted in Legacy will be the focus person. If that person has not been synced to FamilySearch yet you will be asked to do so.
#2 – Click the arrows
On the Family View or the Pedigree View, right (or left) click any of the arrows to take you directly to that person on the FamilySearch interface. Again, if that person has not been sync'd yet you will be asked to do so.
#3 – Click the hot link
On the Individual's Information screen, there is a field for the FamilySearch ID. Notice that the word FamilySearch ID is underlined. That means it is a clickable hot link. If there is a FamilySearch ID filled in, you will be taken to that person's personal FamilySearch page on the FamilySearch website. If there is no FamilySearch ID entered you will be taken to the main FamilySearch Record Search screen.
If none of this makes sense to you, I highly recommend you go through our FamilySearch Training materials.
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For video tech tips check out the Legacy Quick Tips page. These short videos will make it easy for you to learn all sort of fun and interesting ways to look at your genealogy research.
Michele Simmons Lewis, CG® is part of the Legacy Family Tree team at MyHeritage. She handles the enhancement suggestions that come in from our users as well as writing for Legacy News. You can usually find her hanging out on the Legacy User Group Facebook page answering questions and posting tips.
The FamilySearch interface and the FamilySearch “Hints” are two completely different things.
You will not get any hints unless you have FamilySearch IDs entered on your people (FSIDs). You can hand enter them but using the interface is the way to automate the process.