The hottest topic in genealogy in recent years has been genetics and many thousands of genealogists have ordered DNA tests. Most of those haven't a clue what to do with their results. The situation is more complicated among Jews, who have married "within the tribe" for hundreds of years, thus ensuring that everyone is related to everyone else, multiple times. Marrying within a closed community – "endogamy" – has barely been addressed by the non-Jewish genetic genealogy community. This presentation – as in the speaker's book" ENDOGAMY: One Family, One People" – does not bring a "how to" approach, as every family is different. The speaker prefers a "how I did it" approach, demonstrating the successes he has had in his own families and the general lessons which are applicable to all genetic genealogy research. His goal is to inspire his listeners and readers to say "I can do this!"
Join us and Israel Pickholz for the live webinar Wednesday, June 5, 2019. Register today to reserve your virtual seat. Registration is free but space is limited to the first 1,000 people to join that day. When you join, if you receive a message that the webinar is full, you know we've reached the 1,000 limit, so we invite you to view the recording which should be published to the webinar archives within an hour or two of the event's conclusion.
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About the presenter
Israel Pickholtz, a native Pittsburgher, has lived in Israel for forty-five years, currently in Jerusalem. He has done serious family research for over twenty years. His flagship work is the Pikholz Project, a single-surname project to identify and reconnect all Pikholz descendants. Alongside his work as a professional genealogist, taking clients in Israel and abroad, he became heavily involved in genetic genealogy in 2013 in order to tackle a specific family challenge. He manages test kits of over one hundred twenty family members. In 2015 he published is book on genetic genealogy "ENDOGAMY: One Family, One People," available at Since the publication of his book, he has spoken before over fifty genealogy groups and societies including the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies conferences, the Ontario Genealogical Society Conference, RootsTech, the Guild of One-Name Studies (London,) the GRIP Wednesday evening program and the Yad Vashem/Central Zionist Archives "From Roots to Trees" series. He is a member of the Israel Genealogical Society, the Guild of One-Name Studies and assorted research groups. He is a two-time participant at the Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh, blogs at and receives mail at
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Webinar time
The webinar will be live on Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at:
Click on the webinar link (found in confirmation and reminder emails) prior to the start of the webinar. Arrive early as the room size is limited to the first 1,000 arrivals that day.
Listen via headset (USB headsets work best), your computer speakers, or by phone.
We look forward to seeing you all there!
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