With my every-other-year family reunion coming up soon I've been thinking about what kinds of questions I'll ask of my parents and siblings. There is an art to asking the right kind of question. Then I remembered – Legacy software has more than 1,200 interview questions all ready to go.
In Legacy, go to Reports > Other Reports > Interview Questions.
There are 13 categories of interviews. Select the one most appropriate for the person you will interview.
Within each category is a number of subcategories.
Add a checkmark next to each category and question you want to ask.
Then print the report, save it to a text file, or export to a PDF.
You are now armed with questions that were carefully written to solicit the best answers (for example – no yes/no questions).
Other Resources
Thomas MacEntee has an excellent PDF book, "Preserving Your Family's Oral History and Stories, available here.
Marian Pierre-Louis's webinar, Captured For All Time: Recording Family Voices to Preserve and Pass Down, teaches the best way to record and save audio files so they become a permanent part of your family history.
MyHeritage's recent article, "Genealogy Basics Chapter 1: How to Interview Relatives" has lots of great pointers on conducting the interview.
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