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New “Member Friday” Webinars – Underground Railroad and Black Loyalists by Janice Lovelace

New “Member Friday” Webinars – Underground Railroad and Black Loyalists by Janice Lovelace

New "Member Friday" Webinars - Underground Railroad and Black Loyalists by Janice Lovelace

Every Friday we're pleased to offer Legacy Family Tree Webinar subscribers a new bonus webinar just for them! This Friday enjoy two webinars "The (Underground) Railroad Runs Through Here" and "Researching Black Loyalist Communities in Canada" by Janice Lovelace, PhD. 

The (Underground) Railroad Runs Through Here

The Underground Railroad was a loosely organized way to assist people to leave enslavement in the South and find freedom in the Northern U.S. or in Canada. Do you have ancestors that might have been involved in the Underground Railroad? How do you find records of those who were involved?

The (Underground) Railroad Runs Through Here


Researching Black Loyalist Communities in Canada

Thousands of Black people (primarily men) fought on both sides of the Revolutionary War – as Patriots and Loyalists – hoping that freedom from slavery would come with the end of the war. This session looks at those who fought with the British – Black Loyalists. Who were they and what happened to them after the war when they fled to Canada? Learn where to locate records to find out more about the people and their communities.

Researching Black Loyalist Communities in Canada


About the Presenter

Janice Lovelace PhD Janice Lovelace is a genealogical researcher, educator, author, and lecturer, with over thirty years of experience. She completed the Genealogy and Family History certificate at the University of Washington in 2012, the certificate program in genealogy at Boston University in 2013, and ProGen in 2014. Dr. Lovelace is a frequent speaker at international, national, and regional genealogy conferences as well as local societies on health and genetics, ethnic minority genealogy, and research methodology. She is an instructor at the Midwest African American Genealogical Institute (MAAGI). A retired college faculty member, Dr. Lovelace authored the National Genealogical Society’s online continuing education course African American Roots: A Historical Perspective. A freelance writer and photographer, she has a number of genealogy articles among her publications. A member of the Seattle Genealogical Society for many years, she has served in several board positions. She is also a member of Association of Professional Genealogists (APG), the Ohio Genealogical Society, Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society (AAHGS), and the National Genealogical Society (NGS).

See all the webinars by Janice Lovelace in the Legacy library.
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