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Tuesday’s Tip – Customize the Family View (Beginner)

Tuesday’s Tip – Customize the Family View (Beginner)

TT- Customize the Family View

Tuesday's Tips provide brief how-to's to help you learn to use the Legacy Family Tree software with new tricks and techniques.

Customize the Family View (Beginner)

When someone sees one of my screenshots and they notice that my labels on the Family View are different than what they have they want to know how they can change them.  Easy peasy. 

You can see that my labels are BornDiedAge [at death], Cause of Death and Cemetery

Family View

(click image to enlarge)


All you have to do is mouse click on one of the labels and then click Customize. The Customize box pops up.  This is where you can tell Legacy what information you want displayed.  Notice that you can display up to five fields.  Also notice the Load and Save buttons which we will get to in just a bit.

Customize Family View Information

(click image to enlarge)


To change one of the fields click the little square to the right that has the  in it. and you will get this:

Field Names to Display

(click image to enlarge)


You have 99 options to choose from.  You actually have a lot more than that.  Event is only on the list once but if you choose that you will be able to pick any event that you have.  Here is where it gets really cool.  You can save up to 10 different sets of labels!  Depending on what you are researching at the time, you might want other things to display on the Family View.

There are two other fields here that you can edit, the Names to Display and the Short Name. These are the actual field labels you will see on your screen. I could change DthCau to COD if I wanted to. The Short Name is what you will see if you have your screen at half size or you are working in Split Screen where there isn't enough room to display the full label title.

Here I am saving my new set of labels.  I am going to Save it to number 1.  If I want to use one of my custom sets of labels I would only need to click Load (above the save button). I have named this set FSID (FamilySearch ID). 

Save Custom View

(click image to enlarge)


Now when I click on the labels I have a quick pick list I can use but I can still go to the customize screen if I prefer and can click Load there. 

Quick Pick List

(click image to enlarge)


Load Custom View

(click image to enlarge)


You can see the labels that I have now are BirthDeathAge, Cemetery, and FSID.

New Labels

(click image to enlarge)


Here is my "German" set of labels.

German Labels

(click image to enlarge)


This is just one of many ways you can customize screens to get them they way you want.


Find tech tips every day in the Facebook Legacy User Group. The group is free and is available to anyone with a Facebook account.

For video tech tips check out the Legacy Quick Tips page.  These short videos will make it easy for you to learn all sort of fun and interesting ways to look at your genealogy research.

Michele Simmons Lewis, CG® is part of the Legacy Family Tree team at MyHeritage. She handles the enhancement suggestions that come in from our users as well as writing for Legacy News. You can usually find her hanging out on the Legacy User Group Facebook page answering questions and posting tips.




Comments (6)

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  • M

    I see what you see and it looks like a small bug. There is no reason for it to be greyed out. I have entered this into our bug tracking system for the developers to review. Thanks for finding this!

  • S

    I noticed that when selecting any form of Burial label the Names to Display and the Short Name fields are grayed out and cannot be edited. Is there a reason for this?

  • M

    I really have enjoyed reading your short ‘Tip’ lessons. Though I have used Legacy for several years, I read every one of your tips because I find I can learn something new that I have discovered yet. Thanks for these tips.

  • M

    Send this in as an enhancement request. I am the one that gets those emails. I want to ask you a couple of questions about exactly what you are asking for. Here is the URL…

  • JZ
    Judd Zandstra

    What would e really cool is if the labels were attached to the individual so that the correct custom labels would be used each time the individual is displayed (without you manually changing them).

  • MK
    Mary K. Lund

    Thanks for showing the “German” labels. I can see that this would be useful for times or places where the American labels light not apply. Just hope I remember that this is available!

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