After the incredible findings of my first encounter with genetic genealogy, I am ready to take my DNA research to the next level. I want YOU – the live webinar audience – to be there with me as I explore for the first time.
Since our Watch Geoff Live: DNA webinar in April, which some are saying was "the best overall DNA presentation [they've] ever caught…" I've tested the DNA of my father, his father, and my father-in-law. This really is the next big thing in genealogy! As has been suggested as the next logical step with genetic genealogy research, I've imported the data into, but am very unsure on how to interpret what it has found.
Once again, I've invited DNA expert, webinar presenter, and's Diahan Southard to be on hand to guide, interpret and explain the findings. The result will be a live and unscripted session giving DNA neophyte researchers (like me) a first-hand look at what to expect from one of DNA’s key tools – I'd love to share the experience with all of you (Friday, July 8, 2016) so please register for the live webinar here.
Thanks for letting me know about that JL. I’ve fixed the links now so click on the Register button now.