Little did my son know that when he had the idea to post this article on our blog Friday morning that it would turn into an international event. The culminating experience for my 15-year-old-almost-Eagle-scout-son's Eagle project was the invitation to be interviewed on the Mondays with Myrt show.
Evan did an awesome job in front of the camera telling about his experiences of helping to preserve one of our local cemeteries.
Yep, I'm a proud daddy.
Here's the recording of his interview with DearMYRTLE and panel.
And be sure to read DearMYRTLE's take on her blog here. Thanks for the invite and support Myrt! While Evan is glad it's over, he enjoyed the opportunity and is so appreciative of everyone's support for his project.
Sometimes, it is determination mixed with stretching to see what you know & what you can learn. I believe each of us are also benefitted by who we know. Great job Evan.