Question from William:
I have entries where a male and female produced a son. The couple never considered themselves to be "wife" and "husband" and would not want to be displayed that way, even in private reports for their own records. Is there a way to specify non-traditional pairing terms in any or all "views" and reports?
Answer from Legacy Family Tree:
Yes, Legacy has custom wording options to accommodate these situations. From the Family View, open the Marriage Information screen by clicking on the marriage bar in the middle.
In the upper part of the screen is a Tab entitled "Wording Options." If this couple was not husband and wife, simply change their labels here. For example, instead of husband/wife, change it to father/mother. When you're finished, click Save.
This customized wording applies only to this couple. When you print reports, such as the Family Group Record, select the option to "Use the phrases from the marriage records." This option is found on Family tab of the reports.
Finally got around to reading this – thanks for this info! I’ve 2nd cousins who are actually 1st cousins due to an extra-marital affair – something that definitely should not be recorded as husband/wife, and kind of delicate to document!